Five Established Personalities Of India Share Things They Learnt In 2022


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As 2023 slowly approaches, so does the recognition that most of us have made little headway on this past year’s resolutions. From resolving to exercise more, eat better, and tackle a (now even longer) list of household tasks — most of us fell short of time to accomplish our resolutions. Despite this, we may also realize that certainly there were some major wins in 2022, too.

And by reflecting on these successes, five established personalities of India share things they learnt in 2022. The personalities we will feature today are 

  • Kavita Misra
  • Yogitha Subhash
  • Saurabh Pant
  • Mohammed Niyaz 
  • Durva S Pednekar

KAVITA MISRA – teacher, writer, translator-proofreader and motivational speaker.

“The lesson I learnt this year…

Last week of May was something we all were looking forward to… my elder sister, my daughter and myself, but most of all, my eldest sister, who was bed-confined for more than two years, but improving since the past few months. My daughter’s board exams were the milestone we all had to cross before we could actually pack our bags and go on a holiday much awaited by all of us. In all probability, 25th May would have been the date of our flight, but as it is said, time has its own course… It was the last week of the month, the 25th was the date, but my eldest sister took the flight alone, the last and the final one. My daughter came back after her first exam, by afternoon _didi_ started feeling restless and before the day got over, it was all over, she breathed her last.

Learning: Do plan, but not so much ahead that the implementation of it remains.” – Kavita Misra

Kavita Misra is a philanthropist by nature and fighter by spirit. She is an optimist with strong faith in God.

She has pledged for ORGAN Donation, and also  motivates people to pledge the same. 

She is a teacher, writer, translator-proofreader and motivational speaker.

She has co-authored around 30 anthologies, and has compiled one of her own. She writes and speaks about issues like gender bias, prejudices, parent-child relationship, single parent, gratitude and positive thinking. 

Kavita is a teacher of English in senior classes at a reputed school.   She is often invited as a Special guest/ judge at open mics and other events


·          Nari Shakti Samman 2022

·        Nari Aprajita Award 2022

·        Sahitya Sri Award 2021

·        Sahitya Ratna Award 2020

·        Cherrybook Award 2020

·        Fireboxx Award as Best Co-author 2020-21

YOGITHA SUBHASH – A prolific and award-winning writer from the city of pearls 

Yogitha Subhash pens a few things which she learnt from the year 2022.. 

1. MIRACLE’S happen only when you believe in YOURSELF

2. Your PASSION can introduce you to the WORLD

3. It’s never late to learn thing’s . If you have ZEAL to learn something new then nothing matter’s.

4. If you want to achieve something in LIFE ,then it’s only YOU who should help yourself,because no one helps you when you are in need.

5. FAMILY is the biggest support. Always give GRATITUDE for having a family.

6. BELIEF in GOD is something one should have. This is that divine power which gives you hope when there is Darkness.

7. PATIENCE is the key to SUCCESS

8. It take’s some TIME, for the time to CHANGE

9. Slow GROWTH leads to SUCCESS

10. UNIVERSE always listens to you, and it gives exact  the same thing which you asked for.

Yogitha Subhash is a well known writer from Hyderabad,the city of pearls. She is a kind of introvert who has a passion for writing. She likes to pen her writings with the ink of her experiences. She has achieved back to back awards for her write ups . Her writeups got published in National & international media and as well as in national magazines.. She tells every year gives her new surprises, new achievements, new beginnings.. “2022 was a great year ahead. There were ups and downs , Happy moments and sorrow’s, There were new meet up’s & few Goodbye’s and many more. But at the end everything made sense she adds”. 

SAURABH PANT –  A visually impaired author from Nainital who has authored over 120 literary works and recipient of 9 international awards

This year was recovering year after huge pandemic so there were lot of things to learnt, but there are few chosen one which made the author grow more at end of it: 

How to help everyone  with more effective community driven steps. 

How you can make smarter decisions staying calm in critical stages. 

Tips you need to share and when you don’t have to if matters go out of hand. 

Talking points, to control your identity, but also show your influence when needed. 

And the most, to raise the voice when it is important so your status remains potent in it. 

These were the key things learnt by the author in the year 2022. Hopefully the coming year will be equally exciting with more lessons, thank you all…”

 – Saurabh Pant 

Saurabh Pant is a visually impaired Indian author who was born on 4th of April 1994 in the beautiful hill station of Nainital in Uttarakhand. 

After having pneumonia at age of 3 and accepting the loss of vision at age 5, he came in touch of Braille at age of  12 and had primary education in NIEPVD in Dehradun where he also learnt screen reader access for devices. 

He returned back to inclusion after schooling and graduated from Kirori  mal college in DU where he was a modest student of his time. 

His journey into writing had started to grow in  school , but with technical help he published his 1st work in Sept 2014 and from there onwards he  never looked back. 

Today he is author of more than 120 works and has won 9 international awards but he feels more connected in between his visually impaired friends and likes to help  in whatever way possible so he feels gratified to all for this and would continue to grow more in 2023. 

MOHAMMED NIYAZ – Mumbai based world record holder writer who has worked in 700+ books as a co-author

“Take The Initiative When Situations Passes Through Your Stepping Doors Of Failures….What Else Remains Near You Is You And Only You To Remain – To Defend” – Mohammed Niyaz 

Mohammed Niyaz hails from Mumbai – The City Of Dreams. He rose to fame on facebook with his timely poetry headlines “Shayar Ki Shayari And Do Lafz Shayari Ke” since 2013 with more than 1500+ shayaris over a decade, later he continued with Instagram and then with “your quote” crossing 1300+ quotes.

His official debut as an published writer was back in “2020” anthology titled “Orange Hues” under “Flairs And Glairs Publications”.

Following which he then starred in countless anthologies with a total numberings of 700+ as an co-author. He then played a front foot role for over 70+ anthologies as an compiler.

His recent published dual solos are “The Ink They Shared Through The Words”, “The Collaborate Authors”, “The Mutual Convo’s” meanwhile his first solo dedication ever as an author “The Cinnemattic Heartthrob” a dedication book dedicated to “Pakistani Actor Feroze Khan” was published under “Phase 3 Publications”.

Mohammed currently holds “2 Forever Star World Records” for being the “fastest anthology compiler – Wish You Were My Better Half” and secondly for “Record Based Anthology – Scribbling Zone” as an co-author.

His works has been published in Pratibha Magazine, Sparkling Corn Media’s Magazine, RK Magazine, participant of Namaste India International Magazine in which he serves as an “National Honorary Member” of the same.

Being google featured on “The Top 13 India’s Upcoming Stars”, “Daily Hunt News”, “Prolific Magazine”, a regular participant of “The Mount Kenya Times Newspaper” and much more.

He was twicely awarded with “Writer Of The Book Award” for “The Dreams With Wings”, Few books have been dedicated to him titled “Challenge Your Limits” and “Krishna – A Bond”.

He gave his voice over to a poem titled “Yeh Kaisi Ghadi Aa Gayi” based on the real incidents of “COVID-19 pandemic” which was written – edited – narrated by himself, released on his youtube channel on May 2020 which received positive responses from the respective viewers.

DURVA S PEDNEKAR – A popular writer and hobbyist lawyer, social worker from Goa

“Things this year taught me 

Hello everyone 

I have always been an inquisitive soul , want to know about everything I see n yes this spirit in me always acts as an encouragement to learn new things 

Being a student pursuing my BA LLB n having great support from my parents and closest ppl in my life , I have always been open to every sight n every aspect I want to explore . May it be from learning fine arts to improving my writing skill or my public speaking and a lil bit of being active in current politics . 

This was a part of me from past many years but what I learnt for real and an important learning for my age of 20 years is that – failure is not the end .! 

Yes when I say this it’s bcoz I always was taught to win , rather I almost was successful in every aspect I worked and this somehow brought in an image that if someone fails it means maybe tht individual didn’t try its best … but this year taught me that it’s not always like that .! Even if we fail it doesn’t mean our efforts to push ourselves ahead was not enough.! 

I went through it I worked for it yes i didn’t reach my peak but I would definitely say that the journey working for it was definitely worthwhile and yes the experience is something that cannot be purchased 

Definitely along with few downs i went through many ups , I learnt content writing , was awarded as golden writer of India , learnt embroidery from YouTube .! Was an active member in college events n currently wise president of one of the top College students organisations..! With all this I took forward a lil step towards self too . I joined in gym and learnt the aspect how important it is to give time to oneself and takes oneself as imp as others .! 

With all this the greatest lesson would be that in life everything is possible when you accept the way life works and stop expecting unnecessarily…! And the easiest way to tackle all the obstacles is with the strength of love & loved ones .! Self love is the key in strengthening every step we take n having the real ppl in your life and cutting down the fake clears the path ahead even more .! At last it’s the journey…! U either win and be awarded or you either fail and learn something new .! But don’t worry u dont lose anything ♥️” – Durva S Pednekar 

As Evel Knievel said “I’m not a jack of all trades, I have mastered many. I don’t feel there is anything I can’t do if I want too.”

In her own words, 

Hello there everyone !I’m Durva Pednekar, an inquisitive soul you’ll ever find . I’m from the land that’s known for the Sun Sea and Surf -Goa . Brought up with free spirit of living life , enjoying and learning at every point . My parents Sandeep Pednekar and Pragati Pednekar have always been my pillars and held my back for whatever choices I made . If my parents had to describe me they’d say “ she’s the most inquisitive outward stubborn yet sentive person . Being the only child at home I’m always the center of attention, and to be honest I enjoy it . Having studied in Lourdes Convent School and Vidya Prabodhini has gave me values of discipline and leadership, and thus this one thing makes me believe that no matter what I do if I’m disciplined in it I’ll be at my best . If asked about my behaviour I’m very straightforward with my thoughts with a tint of politeness, I do have rage in me when things I see are wrong and can’t keep myself from raising voice against it . I’m in my age of 20and currently pursuing my BALLB degree in VM Salgaocar College of Law .. But this doesn’t stop me from my other happy activities and hobbies I love doing. From painting to dancing, theatre art,light classical singing, writing, sports and politics.

From the time of nursery and kindergarten my mom always made me participate in various competition May it be from academics to co curriculum. And participating in fancy dress was one of my favourite. Well every girl likes to get dressed up n walk the ramp isn’t it . Being always an A Grade student I was always in the limelight of the school events and in good books of the teachers of course. But this never meant I was a teachers puppet , just like how my dad is I was always brought up by the moral to speak when you feel something is wrong, to raise voice fearlessly . I always liked to be ahead as the leading role , I may sound selfish but it’s always that when ur given an authority you gain power and responsibility. And I love Power and for that I’m always ready to fulfill my responsibilities. And so I was always in as a monitor or a member of school council and have been General secretary for my Higher Secondary years. This strive for being out spoken did gain a lot of attention from our local political party’s . I was approached by Party’s like Goa forward to be a part of their youth wing but bcoz of my personal reasons I chose not too . But the time of covid had an impact on me , I wanted to serve our people and this was the right time for my political first step . I joined AAP in 2021 which was very new in Goa . I was youth leader of AAP YOUTH WING and had many press conferences and meetings where I tried my best to serve our people raising voice against the unsuccessful govt to protect girls or May it be distributing goods to the needy . Of course this was all because of my daddy . He always stood along with me and my bold words .It’s said – jack of all traits is master of non but better than master of one … and I believe that I can master all the other traits too with decipline and will to do so . I developed a great interest in theatre from 6th std where I played many monologues in well known theatres of Goa like Kala Acedami and Menenzes Braganza. 6th std was the time where I actually understood myself a lot more . I made mydecision of being a lawyer at that very age and yes I’m still striving to reach my goal . Myteachers brought out my talent in writing. And participating in competitions etc at school and state level made me more confident about myself in this field. Singing was my passion and my teacher helped me to polish it into my talent. I’m a student of light classical music and my sir Ajay Naik have been a huge support to give me the platform to perform. And it makes me feelproud that I was a part of Srujanotsav and many Yuva Mehfils . I have always been at my very best . Opportunity of being a part of anthologies , poetry recitation started when I opened my Instagram handle named @rest_of_soul . This grew my contact with the writers of Goa and India and gave me yet another platform to sharpen my talents . Everything I did and do have always been fun . But one thing I always worried was about my body . Being the chubby / fat girl , even though I was always at my peak but always felt bad when my peers shamed me for being overweight. Well that was the only way they had to take out their jealousy. But somewhere this made me very cautious at my teenage and so I started covering my body with loose clothes . I always loved sports apart from chess – where I have been state captain for our higher secondary, I loved badminton and volleyball. But I thought ’m fat I won’t b able to play . But it’s like God had a plan to help me get out of this and it came into my life when I was in 11th std . This person was not less than an angel who made me believe that we don’t need to be lean for sports and that this stereotype needs to be broken . He encouraged me to participate in athletics and other sports event and yes it paid off . I won medals in jevlin throw , tug of war and selected in badminton in higher secondary. And this person is now the most important person to me with my parents .He taught me a lot of new things about the world and how to tackle it . As for me ,being the only child I was brought up in a very protected environment.This person and his family makes me feel as a part of theirs indeed .

Life has always been great to me with lots of ups and downs I was at my best of Acedamics in 10th std but suffered bronchitis. And my strive to get back to the best and my parents with me kept me going and recovered.That very point during the course of treatment I understood that’s life is all about living in the present, enjoying, doing good to the surrounding and bringing the best out of you .Not only for your people but yourself too . I want to be a good lawyer so that people are served with their justice and don’t have to suffer. I know I’m strong and yet sensitive

to the situations I have to be . I’m leaving a happy life and I’ll say that I’m blessed with the best of my family and my family to be . I’m still a jack of all trades and yes I’m mastering many of it .

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