Smilee Prashant Bhatt shares her aspirations in an exclusive chat!


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Smilee Prashant Bhatt, a 16-year-old commerce student with a passion for writing. With a love for learning and observing the world around her, Smilee has been writing for the past five years. Her poems have unique and attractive names, and she writes articles when she is experiencing writer’s block. As a content executive for Digital Golgappa and a freelance content writer, Smilee finds inspiration for her writing from her work and interactions with people. 

In this exclusive interview with Pooja S for Scipy Scoops show for The Update India,She shares her particular interest in mystery stories and loves to explore the question “why.” While balancing her academic responsibilities, Smilee still manages to pursue her other interests, such as reading success stories and dancing.

Read more to find out  Smilee Prashant Bhatt with her upcoming projects and her aspirations to become an author.

  1. Tell us something about yourself. Who is Smilee? What are her likes and dislikes?

My name is Smilee, I am currently in class 11, commerce.

In 13 days, I turn 17 and my likes are working with new people, getting to know new people around me, learning new skills, developing good habits, doing something good out of everyday keeps me positive.  When I go to bed tonight, I feel like yeah, I did something good today. I have that self satisfaction.

My dislikes are not working in a clean place, not being around clean people. Because, I always wanted things to be kept organized.

2. Take us through your work in the professional sphere. What do you do and has it ever inspired your writing?

I am currently employed as a content executive in Digital Golgappa and also I do freelancing by writing content for individuals and businesses. 

I do a lot of things, which inspires me to write something. I observe things and people around me. Everyday there’s something new to learn and I love learning as I said previously. 

I keep myself open to everything. And I am an ambivert and love talking to people who has the same interest as me and also with people who aren’t in my field. I love learning about things that I am not aware of currently. 

For eg: Many friends of mine are into designing these days. So I currently learning about that, what are the career aspects etc. 

I started writing 5 years ago. My loneliness inspired me to pen down my feelings. So, It happens now too. 

Whenever, I feel happy or angry or lonely, I write it down. And sometimes, if I am not able to write down, I have a talk session with myself and clear out my head

3. Tell us about your latest book …? What can the readers expect from it and who would the book most appeal to?

 I don’t have a book yet. I am not an author. I am aspiring to become an author. I have been trying to author a book for the last 2 years but, because of academic pressure, I am not getting enough time to write. I am not able to publish a book. 

And I think my book would be about some mystery stories. Because, I love reading mystery stories and books.

I love finding out the question ” Why”.

I love the why and if question. If this could have been done in this way, what could have been the result? So, I guess, I would author a book soon which includes a lot of mystery.

4. The names of your poems are quite unique and attractive. What is the scheme of ideas that you have behind the naming of your poems?

 Whenever I write a poem, I write the content first and then I analyze my content and I just have a brainstorming session with myself and pick out a name for my poem. 

There are few poems which have no titles because they are overwhelming for me to name them. And, I mostly write about love. And I started writing articles like 2 to 3 months ago. What I do is, what my scheme is 

When I am on writer’s block, I don’t find words to write a poem, because you need a rhyming scheme sometimes and proper words.  When I am facing writer’s block, I tend to write articles, because for articles you don’t have to follow rhyming schemes etc. You just have to follow professionalism and you writeup should be like ” oh wow.. how amazing it is written”.

5. Are you a spontaneous writer or a disciplined one? Do you often write daily?

I am a spontaneous writer and at the beginning of my writing career, I was a very disciplined writer as I have been a part of many Writing communities where topics are given everyday and I used to write on every new topic. And that’s why I have 100+ poems today. 

So, I didn’t have a lot of academic pressure at that point of time so I started writing 5 years ago when I was in 5th Grade. And then, I got into 8th, 10th std. Now, 11th std. 

So, I don’t have much time to write. But, if I ever have thought in my mind, I just write on a piece of paper and whenever I am free, when I know that, this is the time I can write. I take that paper out and start writing my feelings.

6. What are your other interests apart from writing?

Reading books, being active on social media, teens these days are on social media for different purposes but I also have that motive and I like that. 

” To be unique, you need to follow a different schedule in life, you cannot be surfing on your phone for long hours which is not of any use, which doesn’t give you any positive output”

I love reading success stories about people, I love reading about everything else which has been going on in the world and which is about to happen. 

And my other interests are dancing. But, I left dancing 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with asthma. So, I don’t dance much now. 

But whenever I feel this is the time to be the main character of my life. I just play some music and I dance alone. It makes me happy. But, yeah, I do have some problems. But, I managed to cope up with it. 

Because life is all about moving on. You can’t be stuck in one place.

7. Any future projects that you are currently working on?

I am working on a lot of projects. As I am entering into 12th STD boards, I am not having much time as I said previously too. 

So, I don’t know if I will be able to dedicate a lot of time to my projects. I will be having around 6hrs classes a day. So let’s see what happens and there are a few projects  and I have one aim which is to publish one book before I turn 18 as I am turning 17 now. I need to publish a book before I legally turn into an adult.

8. Your basic advice to budding writers.

“Write whatever you feel” 

With practice, your writing will get better as practice makes an individual perfect. So don’t think that, I am writing is not that epic. 

Everyone doesn’t have the same skill as you. Not everyone around you can be a writer. So appreciate yourself for what you are and what your skills are and set a few aims and goals in life. 

If just working and not knowing what are you working for. Then, I don’t think it would be of any use. And always be open to people, ideas and suggestions.

What happens in the writing industry, mostly,  many people will suggest something to you something, this could be written this way or you can brainstorm ideas from this or that website. 

Writers often misread people’s intentions. Sometimes people want it too good for you. They wanted to see you succeed. But, we don’t understand that sometimes and take it as negative feedback. 

So, always be open to suggestions. Don’t feel bad and be calm. 

You have to be patient because a lot of people might be already ahead of you in this field. So, always respect people’s suggestions. And believe in yourself. 

Even though I never thought I would be interviewed, I was waiting for the day when I would be interviewed and today, I am being interviewed.

So always believe In yourself. Never lose hope.

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I would to like share, 

I write individual and business focused audience content. So, If anyone wants to avail my writing services. They can contact me via LinkedIn or Gmail.

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