10 Tips To Help You Be A Better Astrologer


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10 Tops To Help You Be A Better Astrologer

  1. Learn the basic principles of Astrology. For example, if you are interested in Vedic Astrology, then start by learning about the 9 grahas and their significance, basic solutions etc. If you are into Western astrology, learn about the meaning of each zodiac sign, planets, and houses. Understanding these fundamentals will provide a solid foundation for your learning of Astrology.
  1. There are plenty of beginner-friendly astrology books and online resources available. Books for both Vedic Astrology and Western astrology are available in the market. Look for ones that explain concepts clearly and provide practical examples. It is important to learn from practical examples and research about the best astrological solutions to a given problem. Even the best astrologers in India keep reading books for continuous knowledge.
  1. Kundali creation and marriage match making is a very important aspect of Vedic Astrology. To be a good astrologer, you need to regularly practice interpreting birth charts. Always start with your own birth chart and then slowly move on to charts of friends and family. Pay attention to how the positions of various planets in different signs and houses influence personality traits and life events. You can also take help of various online tools and learned astrologers to get you started.
  1. Maintaining an astrology journal is very important if you want to enhance your astrology skills. To make astrology your full time career, always use a journal to record all your observations and interpretations. This will help you track your progress and identify patterns over time.
  1. Join online jyotish forums or local astrology groups where you can discuss and exchange ideas with other astrologers. Learning from others and sharing experiences can enhance your understanding.
  1. Consider taking astrology classes or workshops from experienced or famous astrologers. They can provide personalized astrological guidance and feedback to help you improve. It is very important to be in touch with other astrologers to stay updated with the latest trends and knowledge.
  1. Like any other skill and knowledge, astrological wisdom requires consistent practice to become a master or Acharya. Set aside time each day or week to study birth charts. Always read about astrology, and reflect on your observations with other astrologers. This will help propagate the astrological wisdom and also receive some knowledge from others.
  1. Keep an open mind and be willing to explore different astrological techniques and perspectives. Astrology is a vast subject with many approaches, so being receptive to new ideas can enrich your practice.
  1. While it’s essential to study the traditional principles of Vedic astrology, don’t underestimate the power of intuition. Sometimes, your gut feelings can offer valuable insights that complement astrological analysis.
  1. Never stop learning and exploring. Astrology is a lifelong journey of discovery. So stay curious and embrace the continuous growth and evolution of your skills.

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