Meet Twisha Ray | Influencing young minds with her captivating words


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Twisha Ray is a passionate individual with a diverse range of interests. An avid reader and writer, she finds solace in the world of words, often embarking on literary journeys that captivate her imagination. Her love for travel takes her to all corners of the globe, with a particular affinity for mountainous landscapes that offer both challenge and serenity.

With an insatiable appetite for learning, Twisha Ray is always eager to acquire new knowledge. She possesses a keen eye for photography, as she never misses a moment to capture life’s fleeting instances through her camera lens. Her academic journey led her to earn a degree in Computer Science Engineering, equipping her with technical prowess. Adding to her skill set, she later pursued an MBA in Human Resource Management, honing her ability to understand and work effectively with people.

Read Twisha Ray’s Times Of India Blog.

Twisha’s curiosity extends beyond the earthly realm; she nurtures a fascination for space technology and gadgets that push the boundaries of innovation. Her enthusiasm isn’t limited to personal growth; she derives immense joy from sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. Notably, Twisha Ray’s quirky accessory, her spectacles, is a testament to her unique personality. She finds inspiration in cartoons that offer valuable life lessons, showcasing her open-mindedness to unconventional learning sources.

In summary, Twisha Ray is a multifaceted individual whose passions span literature, travel, technology, and education. Her journey from a computer science engineer to an HR professional reflects her dedication to continuous learning and personal development. Through her distinctive lens, she navigates the world with a blend of wonder, intellect, and an ever-present sense of adventure.

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