Being a son of a gynaecologist, Ali Ashhar himself has closely analyzed the struggle of medical warriors. He has seen his mother fight and conquer some of the most intense battles in her profession. From the ink of his pen, he scribes a poem ‘Medico’ and dedicates it to all the brave medical professionals.
‘Medico’ by Ali Ashhar
Responsibility is the reflection of a person’s calibre.
She leads from the front line with her persona.
Patients call upon God.
God answers in different ways; one of them being
her indefatigable spirit and its umpteen tales.
IPD department is the synonym of miracle where
life confronts her arch rival.
The turf witness some of the most
intense battles day in and day out.
The horizon knows of her resistance;
the shores faraway have held the loftiest of tides
in its timeline.
Next day, a breeze gives glad tidings to the ambiance;
a newborn makes his way to the scene.
One more rigorous victory named to her aura.
Onlookers ask how she conquered the indefatigable;
to which she replies:
don’t look at the mountains above,
look within your soul—
for faith can move mountains.
About Ali Ashhar
Ali Ashhar is a poet, short story writer and columnist from Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. He was named as one of the “30 Most Talented” personalities of 2022 by Hindustan Metro. He is the author of the poetry collection, Mirror of Emotions (Notion Press, 2021). Following the release of his book, he was chosen as the Best Debut Author for the year 2021 by The Indian Awaz and was the recipient of a Foxclues India Prime 100 Authors Award. His works have been published extensively in the Europe and the US. His works can be found in Wild Court International Poetry Journal (King’s College London), White Noise Zine (Illinois State University), The Sandy River Review (University of Maine), Live Wire, Kashmir Observer and The Bosphorus Review of Books, among others.