Author Luna. J, a Literature and Translation major hailing from the vibrant city of Chennai, is not just a writer; she’s a voracious book-dragon with a collection of over 5000 precious paperbacks and some more hardcovers (She secretly hopes to open a library someday). Luna. J is a passionate writer, translator and editor, living a life of literary exploration, spiritual evolution, and self-discovery. With a head full of dreams, a heart full of desires, and a life full of adventures, Luna is a cosmic wanderer yearning to unravel the mysteries of the soul and the providence. Her life unfolds with passions, delusions, dreams, and wishes. An astrophile and a pantheist at heart, Luna finds solace in blending her love for literature with the cosmic wonders above.
Author Luna. J crafts her world with an eccentric touch and a tad bit of old-school romance. Her outlook on life is poetically silly, finding beauty in everything and collecting metaphors to make her world more beautiful and magical. Living amidst the chaos of contradictions, the young author embraces the magic and chaos that define her existence. She’s an entity of oxymoron, protected by a bubble of abundant happiness and selective ignorance. With a life filled with bruises and level-headedness, giggles and blasphemy, punches and tickles, and occasional kindness, Luna. J paints her reality with the brush of a storyteller, an animal-whisperer, a dream-catcher, and a secret-keeper.
Outside the publishing field and beyond the shelves of her cherished paperbacks, Luna is a dabbler in various pursuits – from animal whispering to camping, stargazing to cycling, trekking to hitchhiking. She falls in love with the underside of trees, lives spontaneously, and embraces eccentricity. Her Instagram handle @authorlunaofficial showcases her journey and all her interests, making her a delightful presence in the world of words.
Your journey as a writer has been truly fascinating! From ‘Her Harem Journal’ to ‘God Bless You Devil Kiss You’, each title seems like a captivating journey. Could you share a bit about the inspiration behind these diverse stories?
Luna. J – It has been a captivating ride indeed. My literary journey has been a rollercoaster ride of poetic musings and reverse-harems with a side of devilish blessings! ‘What the Heaven!?’ was my poetic debut, the result of years of persistent scribbling to express my emotions through the art of poetry.
As for my Historical Fiction Novella, well, that started with a single, eyebrow-raising question: Why can’t Queens have harems when Kings had dozens of them? This musing struck me while studying History, and ‘Her Harem Journal’ emerged as my way of answering that intriguing thought with my own perspective.
Now, ‘God Bless You Devil Kiss You’ is a different beast altogether. It’s an eclectic cross-genre anthology that delves into themes that have personally resonated with me over the years and always made me wonder what kind of world we live in. It’s a wild ride through ideas that have haunted my thoughts. Have you ever wondered about what kind of world we live in? Me too, a lot. So, I made this book, a collection born from pondering the intricacies of the world we inhabit and my personal response to the unfairness of it all. Because let’s face it, life’s too short for mundane stories that are repeated over and over.
So, from playful poetry to historical whimsy and the complexities of modern existence, each work is immersed in my blood sweat and tears. I suppose you could say, it’s been a journey from across realms to male harems and a bit of poetic contemplation in between.

Being chosen as a top Tamil novel writer, your work resonates with a rich cultural tapestry. How do you infuse cultural elements into your writing and make it universally relatable for readers across different backgrounds?
Luna. J – To be honest, I was in a dilemma when I first started writing. I was not sure how to go about expressing my thoughts and emotions about the things I faced in reality without limiting the reach to a very small community of people. How exactly can you express the intricacies of your regional reality without limiting your audience to a cosy little corner? Then I thought about the reason why I even wanted to express the things I wanted to express.
I remembered that it was not only to educate the narrow-minded people who keep sticking to harmful dogmas and traditional stereotypes under the name of ‘culture’ but also to create awareness among the masses that has no idea something like this is happening to someone out here in the world.
So, I came up with a unique blend of vagueness to the cultural practices to give versatility and universality to reach the hearts and minds of a majority of people out there irrespective of race, gender and ethnicity. Because unfair things happen everywhere, right? And one of the best ways to get through it is to make sure everyone—from any corner of the world—can understand, relate, and overcome it together.
‘What the Heaven!?’ sounds intriguing! Could you give us a sneak peek into the world you’ve crafted within this book and the message you aim to convey through its narrative?

Luna. J – Yes, the process of making this book was also equally intriguing. It was a very fun experience putting together little bits of everything that I’ve felt and written over the years. Crafting this collection was like making a cosmic cocktail, blending bits of my soul, a dash of ferocity, and a sprinkle of tender introspection.
If poetry is an echo, then consider this a symphony for those who hear it in the farthest reaches. This is a collection of poetry; some old, some new but all solemnizing the self, through self-love, self-discovery and self-acceptance.
‘What the Heaven!?’ is my ode to the delicate balance between darkness and light, a poetic act that mirrors the intricate dance of existence. Manifesting magic both beautiful and terrible, these metaphorical and metaphysical poems, embrace the trinity of the DIVINE FEMININE: maiden, mother and crone, and it celebrates sisters, daughters and mothers who goes unnoticed and unappreciated in the world of men. To begin with, this collection of poems was never intended to be made into a processed tree carcass yet here they are.
The intimately mystical poems of power and love, containing no fixed meter, rhyme or alliteration and, are only meant for me, for you, and for the rare few who dare to venture into the realms where words dance free. If that sounds like you, this book should be your cup of cosmic tea.
As a translator, you bridge gaps between languages, enriching literary experiences. What challenges do you face in maintaining the essence of a story while translating it into a different language?
Luna. J – I believe that translation is a retrieval of things that would otherwise stay locked away; an act of breaking barriers to understand each other. And since every language has its own rules and logic, I always give my best to do justice to the original text while translating from Tamil to English. Maintaining simplicity and colloquialism while preserving the essence of complex narratives poses a formidable challenge. It’s a bit like trying to bottle lightning – exhilarating but not without its hair-raising moments. And yet, I’ve always tried my best to capture the pure essence of what the author originally intended.
Many a sleepless night has been spent deciphering the nuances, finding that sweet spot where meaning and tone from the original text meets an accurate translation. I try my best to maintain the meaning as well as the tone from the original while working on cultural references that are so old and layered in nature. Cultural references, those ancient and layered puzzle pieces, require delicate handling. Instead of a word-by-word translation, I strive to weave relevance into the translation, ensuring that the echoes of truth resonate across the language barriers.
Long compound sentences? Well, they’re the mortal enemies of poetic beauty, so I keep them at bay. As a translator, I admit that one cannot translate, if one cannot connect with the original text in the first place. It always feel almost as if I am putting myself in the author’s shoes during that whole enlightening process. Personally, the biggest challenge that I face is ensuring that nothing gets lost in translation.
Your exploration of mythology seems deeply rooted in self-discovery and spiritual evolution. How does delving into myths contribute to your personal growth, and how do you translate these revelations into your literary works?
Luna. J – Yeah, you could say that since my early and mid-teen years were a bit like a crash course in Mythology 101. Instead of the typical teenage obsessions and angst, I was knee-deep in myths, legends, and a hefty dose of self-discovery. All my research from a young age made me strive for spiritual evolution through personal growth instead of blindly turning to any flimsy religion.
Each character I’ve read about in mythologies have taught me something in one way or the other, some traits has inspired me more than the others. Some were the wise professors, others the mischievous troublemakers, and a few, the silent sages. These mythical beings weren’t just stories; they were lessons waiting to be learned. Their traits, their stories, inspired me, and me not being a passive student, I decided to weave these revelations into my own narratives.
More than just plopping gods and goddesses into my stories, I also added a subtler touch. I embed and tangle my favourite mythical elements as subtly as possible amidst my stories so that only those who can read between the lines can decode them successfully. After all, mythology isn’t just ancient tales; it’s a timeless mirror reflecting the journey of us mortals and beyond.

Your titles are so captivating! How do you come up with such creatively engaging names for your books? Is there a story behind the intriguing titles of your works?
Luna. J – Why, thank you! Coming up with book titles is a bit like a theatrical performance – there’s brainstorming, drama, and the occasional impromptu twist. First, I dive into several brainstorming sessions, considering the purpose, plot, and the elusive trend factor. It’s like picking the perfect personality for a character. Then comes the pros and cons, a sort of literary weighing scale. I narrow down the options, leaving only the most tantalizing possibilities. But, you know, a solitary genius moment rarely cuts it for me.
So, I ask the perspectives of my friends and family, sparking discussions that could rival an Arthurian round-table debate. Their perspectives add layers to the decision-making process. Now, here’s the plot twist. Sometimes, I’ve been known to even let go of all that hard-earned wisdom in favour of a spur-of-the-moment title. Why? Just because it felt right at the time. Sometimes, you’ve got to trust that gut feeling!
Not to mention that I have a thing for oxymoron and satire which can be very evident in some of my book titles adding that extra layer of intrigue. A touch of irony, a dash of contradiction – it’s like my personal favourite literary seasoning. So, in a nutshell, my titles are a concoction of brainstorming, lively debates, and the occasional rebellious spontaneity. The real story? Well, it’s an own title tale that unfolds with every book I birth into the literary world.
With ‘Her Harem Journal’ and your other writings, you touch on diverse themes. How do you manage to weave together multiple themes seamlessly, and what drives you to explore such multifaceted narratives?

Luna. J – I admit that I do dabble with many genres and themes even in one book, yes. Even in life, I’ve always been a greedy person who chooses variety over quantity. In ‘Her Harem Journal,’ I didn’t just dip my toes into Historical Fiction; oh no, there’s a whole eccentric mix of romance and science fiction, because why settle for just one flavour when you can take more?
‘God Bless You Devil Kiss You’ is a kaleidoscopic explosion that has so many themes like Urban Fantasy, Action, Paranormal Romance, Adventure, Horror, Mythology and much more. It’s basically a narrative buffet where every theme gets its moment in the spotlight. What can I say? I like my stories like I like my playlists – diverse and full of surprises.
‘What the Heaven!?’ on the other hand is a whole collection of poetry that deals with a wide variety of themes interwoven in them. While weaving these themes together, I only keep track of one thing. It’s all about balance. The balance of different themes so they don’t overlap each other.
And you might wonder why the penchant for such multifaceted narratives? Well, call me greedy, but I simply enjoy working on genres that I’d devour in a heartbeat as a reader. I write what I would have liked to read as a reader. After a whole decade of being a reader, I’ve finally realised what exactly it is that I like to read and that’s what I’m writing.
As a famous author, your books have garnered attention. What advice would you give to aspiring writers who aim to carve their own paths in the literary world, especially those eager to explore diverse genres and themes like you?
Luna. J – Just go for it and give it your best. Try whatever genres you can because you won’t truly know the terrain that resonates with your soul until you’ve wandered through the vast landscape of genres. How will you know if you’re a secret fan of urban fantasy or a closet admirer of historical fiction unless you sample a bit of everything? So, dive into the realms of mystery, romance, fantasy, and science fiction with the unbridled enthusiasm of a toddler in a candy store.
Pen a sonnet on Monday, conjure a thrilling mystery on Wednesday, and, heck, try your hand at dystopian sci-fi over the weekend. But whatever you write, write what ‘you’ want, not what others want. Do it for yourself. Write with abandon, edit with care, and always, always let your creative spirit roam free without restraining it to a specific genre. If not, will it even be storytelling?
‘God Bless You Devil Kiss You’ seems like a juxtaposition of divine and dark elements. Could you shed some light on the inspiration behind this intriguing title and the themes explored within the book?

Luna. J – It’s true that ‘God Bless You Devil Kiss You’ can be considered as a juxtaposition of divine and dark elements. After all, the whole book deals with the misconceptions about genders and their relations with good and evil, light and darkness and how they’re not always mutually exclusive of each other. At its core, the book becomes a literary sledgehammer, smashing the stereotypes and taboos that have sought to shackle women under the banner of patriarchy.
Some even consider this book as a piece of protest literature. But these aren’t just tales plucked from the outer space; it’s a reflection of personal experiences, mine to be precise. However, I’ve sprinkled a healthy dose of fantastical elements over these reflections, creating a kaleidoscope where reality and fantasy intertwine, making it a task for the reader to decipher where one ends and the other begins.
After writing this book, I have also come to realize that I was not alone in my struggles and many other women had also face similar realities. The echoes of shared experiences reverberated, and the themes that emerged spoke to a collective reality. Some of the recurring themes in the book would be justice, identifying decaying morale, navigating deception and more.
Your journey seems to be one of constant evolution and exploration. Are there any upcoming projects or aspirations you’re excited to share with your readers, projects that might continue your path of self-discovery through literature and spirituality?
Luna. J – Yes, of course. Talking about upcoming projects, there are two untitled works still in the process of writing; probably set to be released in 2024. All I can say about them right now are: It’s not a genre that I have already tried before and the themes are brand new as well. I’ve always believed in the magic of surprise, and these upcoming works are no exception. It’s like unwrapping a present without knowing what’s inside – an adventure in every sentence. After all, what’s life without a bit of mystery and anticipation?
Many aspiring writers look up to you as a mentor. What advice would you give to those trying to find their voice or breakthrough in the literary world, especially when faced with obstacles or self-doubt?
Luna. J – ‘Mentor’ is too big of a word. I am a growing writer myself and I can share something from what I believe with my fellow writers; I can do that much. Writing is not just a fun process, it has its own ups and downs, too. You might get into a writer’s block or a creativity slump just when you think you got the hang of it. It’s completely normal. We all get that.
Whenever that happens, don’t panic and don’t give up. Don’t throw your laptop out the window or burn your notebooks in despair. It’s okay to take a break and relax yourself until the creative juices flow again. Self-doubt? It’s that pesky gremlin that loves to whisper in your ear, questioning every word you put on paper. Don’t let it permanently rent space in your creative abode. Embrace it, acknowledge it, and then usher it out the door.
After all, your mind is your sanctum sanctorum. And, another important thing is not to let yourself be pressured or dictated by deadlines or timelines. Whatever you write, do so at your own pace because some things just can’t be rushed. Just write on.

Miss Luna. J, your official Instagram bio states ‘fiction, fashion, fantasy’. Can you give a brief explanation of that? What is your life outside the literary field like?
Luna. J – Outside the literary field, my life is as eventful as the plots that I write for my characters from the surprise food-hunts with my friends, the occasional outings with my family, the spontaneous solo camping escapades under the stars, regular library-hauntings, fawning over my fur-babies to going on dates in search of my ‘soulmate’ (who, as of now, might be hiding in the pages of a yet-unread novel) and more.
Apart from all that, I do like fashion and I take it upon myself to try different kinds of outfits and making them look good. I love exploring fashion in an affordable and eco-friendly way by also supporting thrifting. Thrifting is not just a trend; it’s a lifestyle. There’s a certain thrill in finding a gem among the racks, giving pre-loved garments a second chance to shine. It’s like a fashion treasure hunt, and who doesn’t love a good adventure?
Beyond the pages of books, I relish the real-world chapters as well; every day is an opportunity for a new adventure! So, when you see ‘fiction, fashion, fantasy’ in my Instagram bio, know that it’s not just a tagline; it’s also a glimpse into my life outside the literary field. There’s a bit of everything – a dash of fiction, a swirl of fashion, and a sprinkle of fantasy <3