Saurabh pant is a visually impaired author who was born on 4th of April, 1994 in a beautiful hill station called Nainital in Uttarakhand and he grew with a lot of expectations to come true later in his life.
His schooling took place in a special school for the visually impaired, one that is largest and controlled by the central government in Dehradun but he became part of inclusive education later joining Kirori mal college in DU in history honours and seems to be a moderate student of his time.
His life seems to face many challenges, not to mention dengue in 2nd year of college and falling from top stair in end of 3rd year resulting in a thigh breaking accident, but in between he tried to win a lot of hearts by regular progress and seems to continue the fight to lead.
Since his first published book titled Affection Never Dies in September 2014, he has grown to many folds in the last 8 years with more than 120 books and 9 international awards, it all has led to a perfect evolution and has let him become a complete writer with efforts done in the right course making sure that his efforts won’t sikome to problems that life present to everyone and you have to face them off.

He likes to listen to music, to explore new trends, and enjoy the company of people around, and this is what he stands for as an international author.
- Represents India in Blind quizzing since 2015 till present.
- Won 16 titles and lead the team as captain
- A global author with publication in multiple genres- poetry, stories, novel and essays
- Ebooks with 4+ ratings on Amazon and Goodreads
Round the globe-
- 2013- appreciation from Wilkinson essay writing committee
- 2014- Appreciation letter from Queensland university
- 2017- UNEP appreciation for ‘Warming Boom’
- 2017- Borislav medal, Montenegro
- 2018- Gustav icalnou medal, Romania
- 2018- US honour on world disability day
- 2019- Best asian poet honour, Romania
- 2019- Premia de excelenta, Romania
- 2020- German honour on world environment day (received online)
- 2021- Capital medal on Australia day
- 2021- CIS cultural harmony medal
- 2021- literature president award, Romania
Indian fold-
- 2013- Special award by Prachi education society
- 2014- 2nd prize in NLU fest story writing contest
- 2014- in top 15 poets in Power publishers contest
- 2015- Research presentation in Shivaji university
- 2015- Research presented in GIC, Punjab university
- 2015- Research conclave in Vels university
- 2015- Student excellence in hostel farewell
- 2017- Local honour for literature
- 2021- E honour by Naaz Me hayat portal
- 2022- Tagore commemorative edition by NE8x official
My simple pic
Tagore award medal
TBM poster flap
Beyond actual scars

Present life is one of the most hectic one, twiddle of messages and you smile, zing of vibrations and you respond and even there are platforms which consider love, to attach feelings of bond and yet they are all empty in actual reality.
Albeit, people don’t spend time together, yes they do on technical devices but not in that social manner, they fool each other of simplest of riches which are never visible, lights of public life which is not connected and this is why the system called ‘family’ is in most fearsome attack due to 21st century technology of most influence.
Do you know what it does? It torn your loved ones, because when you are betrayed or being cheated by fake profiles or lesser original faces, then it becomes a wholesome affair of technical robbery and you are not going to complain about it, are you?
It’s only a justiculation to all that is lost, no hope to recover and you get drained to never be what you have to by such offence but at the end you come back, apologies to speak, hardly to admit to your loved one, the real humans and that what counts the most in it.
It is also true that few people get lucky, they get reality even in these social media networks, they get married, have children and they follow suit, but it’s not that they won’t’ be cheated, to face the one which is not real and facing the faceless is the worst scar of life.
This doesn’t mean you stop using such networks, no more chat messages or conversations, in current hectic life people speak less to those who are in their front compared to talking on phone or their PC, but it has to be of a limit, in scope which his actually real and be percentage with social connections also made beyond it to adjust for it.
making the mess of innovation is equally intrusive or toxic so you have to choose out, to find what is more handy and at what level. If you know the boundary and seem to think this is the way to do it, then it surely goes beyond to lead a better life.
And if not? Then it creates scar, physical for leisure or or by those who misuse technical networks, in thoughts by those who were connected before entry of lesser original profiles, and these scars won’t be visible but remain deep down, hardly going out back which you would never be able to remove your mind.
Be sensible, in urge to prove others, don’t lose your consciousness, cause it’s you who decide your life not those who are in different curtains lurking behind absolute dark windows…