Planning to go for MBA? Here are a few tips, and a lot more from popular writer Twisha Ray


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Twisha Ray is one of the most popular writers from Kolkata in India. Smilee Prashant Bhatt caught up with her on behalf of The Update India to know much more about Twisha. Here are a few excerpts from their conversation:

1)Your profile highlights your love for literature and writing. Can you share a memorable literary journey or book that deeply impacted you and why?

Twisha Ray : “Kabuliwala” explores themes of nostalgia, longing, and the emotional impact of separation. It also highlights the power of storytelling to create bonds between people from different backgrounds. The story is a reminder that beneath our cultural and societal differences, we share a common humanity that can foster connections and understanding.

2)Travel seems to be a significant part of your life. Could you tell us about a specific mountainous landscape that you found particularly captivating and the emotions it evoked?

Twisha Ray : For some, the mountainous landscape of Darjeeling may evoke introspection and contemplation. The serene surroundings provide an opportunity for self-reflection and a connection to the larger rhythms of nature. Ultimately, the mountainous landscape of Darjeeling can evoke a mix of emotions—awe, serenity, introspection, and a sense of connection to the natural world. It’s a place where people can escape the ordinary and immerse themselves in the extraordinary beauty of the Himalayas, creating lasting memories and a profound appreciation for the wonders of the Earth.

3)With your background in Computer Science Engineering and an MBA in Human Resource Management, you have a diverse skill set. How do you see these two fields intersecting in your current endeavours?

Twisha Ray : Tech Leadership in Business An MBA with a background in CSE can prepare individuals to lead technology-oriented teams or departments within organizations. : The combination of technical skills from CSE and business knowledge from an MBA can be a strong foundation for entrepreneurship. Innovation and Problem Solving: CSE and MBA graduates can collaborate to identify technological solutions to business challenges. They can innovate by leveraging emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, to create new business opportunities Technology Consulting: Professionals with a dual background can excel in technology consulting roles. The combination of technical understanding and business knowledge is valuable in project management roles, especially for projects with a strong technological component. The optimization of supply chains and operations often involves the integration of technology. In essence, the intersection of Computer Science Engineering and an MBA creates a skill set that’s well-suited to lead in technology-driven industries, manage technical teams, drive innovation, and bridge the gap between technology and business strategy.

4)Photography is one of your passions. Can you describe a specific instance where you captured a fleeting moment that holds special meaning for you?

Twisha Ray : In the distance, the towering mountains stand as silent sentinels, their peaks dusted with a light veil of morning mist.. The sky above is a canvas of soft blues and whites, with fluffy clouds drifting lazily by. The sun is beginning to set, casting a warm, golden light that paints the scene in a tranquil glow. The mountains, steadfast and timeless, provide a stunning backdrop that accentuates the fragility and transience of the moment.

The colours of flowers and birds range from delicate pink to fiery orange, creating a tapestry of hues that dances in harmony with the wind.

5)Your curiosity extends to space technology and innovative gadgets. What sparked your interest in these fields, and how do you stay updated with the latest advancements?

Twisha Ray : Space exploration and technology have always held a sense of wonder for many individuals. The vastness of the cosmos, the mysteries of the universe, and the potential for discovering new frontiers have sparked fascination in people of all ages. Curiosity is a fundamental trait of humanity. People are naturally inclined to explore the unknown, understand complex concepts, and push the boundaries of what is possible.  Learning about space and technology through school curricula, documentaries, and educational programs can ignite a lifelong interest. Technological advancements have a direct impact on people’s daily lives. From smartphones to smart home devices, the evolution of gadgets has made technology a tangible and relatable aspect of modern living.

Twisha Ray
Twisha Ray

6)Your unique accessory, your spectacles, is mentioned in your profile. Could you share the story behind how they became a quirky representation of your personality? 

Twisha Ray : It suggests that I metaphorically “wear” these spectacles to help users by providing information, explanations, and Twisha Rays to their queries across various subjects. Just as actual spectacles assist individuals in improving their vision, my purpose is to assist users in gaining a clearer understanding of their questions and topics.

It’s important to note that while the mention of “spectacles” is used in a metaphorical sense, it reflects the idea that I am here to help users by providing insights and information on a diverse array of subjects.

7)Balancing a love for literature, travel, technology, and education sounds dynamic. Can you describe a time when these passions intersected in a way that surprised or delighted you?

Twisha Ray : Rabindranath Tagore was indeed a remarkable example of how diverse passions and talents can intersect in unexpected and delightful ways. He excelled in literature, travel, education, and even technology for his time.

Through Santiniketan, Tagore demonstrated how these seemingly disparate passions could merge harmoniously to create a unique educational institution. His ability to bring together literature, travel experiences, technological innovation, and a deep understanding of human nature resulted in a place where students could engage in a holistic and meaningful education. This intersection of passions not only surprised and delighted Tagore himself but also left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire educators and learners to this day.

8)Any suggestions for the upcoming writers and MBA students?

Twisha Ray : Certainly , 

For Upcoming Writers

  • Read Widely 
  • Observe smallest things in everyday life
  • Write Regularly
  • Receive Feedback
  • Edit and Revise
  • Develop a Writing Routine
  • Embrace Rejections 
  • Stay Curious and Positive

For MBA Students:

  • Set Clear Goals
  • Network
  • Embrace Diversity
  • Balance Academics and Experiences
  • Develop Leadership Skills.
  • Stay Updated
  • Seek Mentorship
  • Practice Time Management
  • Stay Adaptable
  • Continual Learning

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