Tag: Young Eco-Hero Award


Manya Harsha reveals the agenda behind her inspiring road trip from Kashmir to Kanyakumari #youngEcoHero #youngclimateactivist | An exclusive interview

Manya Harsha is a Bangalore based young eco hero and a young climate activist. She is on a transformative 18 day road trip from Bangalore to Kashmir and to Kanyakumari advocating #voiceForTheVoiceless #straylifematters #saveTheTiger and has tossed thousands of seeds during her travels with an aim to go green!

Young Indian Environmentalist Manya Harsha wins Young Eco-Hero from Action For Nature

Manya Harsha has done amazing things like giving out thousands of little trees, making thousands of eco-friendly bags, and planting thousands of saplings. She's like a nature magician! She even has a YouTube channel where she talks about how kids can save the planet.

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