Tag: Shubhan Balvally



Shubhan Balvally - ARIHANT REPROGRAMMED (Part 4) – MISSION MARTYRS presents a whole new world of storytelling that one never knew they were missing out on

5 Book Writers Of India You Must Definitely Read

5 Book Writers Of India You Must Definitely Read are Kiran Desai, Shubhan Balvally, Mayaa SH, Amish Tripathi, and Abhishek Kapoor.

Top 3 Finest Writers Of 2023 You Must Definitely Read

Top 3 Finest Writers Of 2023 You Must Definitely Read are Anita Desai, Shubhan Balvally, and Dr. Sujoyita Pal

Meet Shubhan Balvally the novelist from world of Advertising and Films

Shubhan is a versatile writer where initially he wrote THE ARIHANT TRILOGY namely, ARIHANT- REVENGE PAR EXCELLENCE, ARIHANT RESURRECTED – A NEW BREED OF PATRIOTS and ARIHANT DEHUMANIZED – BATTLEFIELD VERTEX which were in the genre of science fiction and then he successfully ventured into writing a murder mystery titled NOCTAMBULISM – FLOOD OF BLOOD. Now, he recently published a sequel to the same known as FLOOD OF BLOOD 2 – BLOODHOUNDS RISING.

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