International Author Roebian from South Africa comes out with her solo book named “Let Your Voice Speak” published from Words Of Soul Publication.

She is a single mom of two and also an educator.
Who loves nature and seized every opportunity in the outdoors.
She was born on 25 August 1970 during the apartheid laws.
As a South African she started to fight in her teenage years for human rights.
Roebain started to write in June 2020, when a stranger saw a picture of her on
Facebook and wrote a poem about her. Since then she fell in love with poetry and never
looked back. She received many awards in 2020 for her poems. She also became the
South African ambassador for Oxygen Pen and host on OPT LIT. Is also appointed as
a regional manager for Africa Ambassadors. As a humanitarian and empath, one of her
dreams is to be a motivational speaker against women and child abuse.

Awards she received from different poetry sites were: Certificates for excellent
achievements, Honourable mentions, Poet of the day, Poet of the week, Poet of the
month, Certificate of Excellence in motivational writing Topmost engaged member, Poet
of the year. Roebain also interviewed well-known writers across the globe.

The poems in her book consist mostly about her as a victim of abuse. She wants to use her book as a platform for her voice to be heard as it was silent for many years. Now she wants to encourage every woman to let her voice be heard don’t be ashamed to tell your story as long as you keep quiet, you stay a victim and the abuser will continue with his malicious deeds. The first poem she wrote is” I am a SLUT I wrote this poem as an irony for many women who are labeled as a slut by partners, boyfriends or husbands. This book represents her freedom. Her voice speaks that she is no longer a victim but a victorious survivor. This book will represent who I am. “I am the book and the book is me.

Words of Soul is a writing Community and publication where we have a group of new budding writers with their talent of framing emotions into words.
Formed by Dr. Nikita Dudagi and Lucky Pandey on May 15th 2021 to encourage and appreciate the enthusiastic writers. Weekly Special events and programs are being conducted to recognise the best Writer of the community. Words of Soul, a Group of Aspiring writers who ink the emotions of their heart to inspire the reader’s mind.
Words of Soul Publications is not only a publication, it’s a kind of family of writers which includes Co-author, writer, Author, compiler, co- compiler, Graphic Team, Project Heads, CEO, co-founder and Founder. Here Everyone is free to give their ideas and we initiate their actions.