This 8 year old boy is now ready to set all new records


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Anay Jariwala, an eight year old boy is now all set to set an example. Where we see little children to just play around, this boy didn’t only write a book but is very clear about his passion.

“Galaxy Strike and the New Villains Arise “ is a tomfoolery and activity stuffed space experience that will leave you as eager and anxious as ever. The book follows the excursion of a man as he sets out on an interesting mission through the stars. The composing style is not difficult to follow, making it an extraordinary read for all.

Little Anay always says he wants to be an author, the best selling one and his debut book has been titled as the best seller in children’s comic on the international online platform, Amazon.

It’s amazing to know, Anay has done all the editing and illustrations of his book on his own. His passion and love for writing comics and books can be seen in his eyes.

Anay loves to write, paint pictures, draw comics and narrates stories too. While he write and illustrates, he just get completely indulged in his own world forever forgetting about the every other thing. He wants to be a best seller author, and with this I want to wish him all the best

Article by Tanya Jha
Author’s name Anay Jariwala

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