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1. Pooja Yadav
Pooja Yadav is a simple girl currently pursuing her graduation from Indira Gandhi National open University. She belongs to Gurugram ,Haryana. Her love for writing began when she was in 11th standard. She was interested in writing since childhood and this interest is increasing day by day. She is a writer for more than a year now and her mission is to inspire and touch millions of lives.
Insta id: pooja_yadav8394
2. I am Krishna Kant Bhopale. I am a retired teacher from Navodaya Vidyalaya. I am from Satara. I love writing poems on emotions, realism, social themes.
3. Sania Mirza is a medical student. She is passionate person with passionate thoughts,infinite dreams n limitless passion. She creates , she paints, even a Artist also, besides she is a writer she got awarded in many competitive writing. She is a Singer, a Writer, dancer etc..she is very influenced n much inspired by APJ(Missile man) sir and Genius mind Albert Einstein sir .she Wants to write n create many more things in future n put her magnificent imagination beautiful thoughts in her poetry n will surely provide good contribution to the magical world of Poems, poetry writing.Thank you ♥️
4. I am Shruti Srivastava and i am from lucknow.I persuing my graduation from journalism and mass communication. I am co author of 3 books ( the twist,love of tomorrow and खत)
And i love to perform poetry at open mics and events . I am finalist of a reality show kisme kitna hai dum that comes on DD punjab. And I love to express my words in the form of poetry and it gives me peace .
Insta handle- srishruti250
5. I am Esha Trivedi. I am 18. I am currently pursuing BA English. I am from Rajkot, Gujarat and i love to write poetries and storylines till now. I want to explore more in this field and be at my best. i have participated in several anthologies and also i have been writing since last 5 years.
6. परिचय
नाम – डॉ .सोनाली मेहता
जन्म – 28 जुलाई
मेल – sonali28mehta@gmail.com
Insta id- dr sonaalimehta28
शिक्षा – 1. पी.एच.डी.(हिंदी साहित्य) वर्ष 2003 ,देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय ,इंदौर (म.प्र.)
2. एम् .ए. (हिंदी साहित्य ) वर्ष -1999,देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय , इंदौर (म.प्र.)
3 रेडियो जॉकी – अन्नपूर्णा कॉलेज ऑफ फ़िल्म एन्ड मीडिया, हैदराबाद
4- एम.ए. (हिंदी- व्यावसायिक लेखन)
इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय(अध्यनरत)
अध्यापन अनुभव-वर्ष 2004 से अब तक
वर्तमान पद – 1. एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, (विभागाध्यक्ष ) हिंदी विभाग,
सेंट मेरिस सेंटेनरी डिग्री कॉलेज सिकंदराबाद ,तेलंगाना
उपलब्धियां –
.1. इंटरनेशनल आईकॉन ऑफ लिट्रेचर से सम्मानित।
(उत्तरप्रदेश के बाँदा जिले में कंटेमप्ररी लिटररी सोसाइटी अमलोर,बाँदा ने मेवादेव लॉरेल अवार्ड 2019 से साहित्य,कला,संस्कृति व समाज में उनके योगदान के लिए 24 दिसंबर,2019 को सम्मानित किया।)
2 .डॉ ए.पी .जे.अब्दुल कलाम लाइफ टाइम अचीवमेंट नेशनल अवार्ड ,शिक्षण, शोध एवं प्रकाशन हेतु . इन्टरनेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर सोशल एंड इकनोमिक रिफॉर्म्स ,बेंगलुरु ,अगस्त 17 ,2019
3.प्रतिभावान जैन युवा सम्मान से सम्मानित
4. श्रेष्ठ रचनाकार सम्मान
5.नवांकुरण सम्मान
6. वॉइस ऑफ हार्ट अवार्ड
7.कलम सृजक सम्मान
8.रानी सती नारी शक्ति सम्मान
विभिन्न संस्थाओं से सम्बद्ध – 1.महिला प्रतिनिधि,गैर बैंकिंग संगठन (इंडियन बैंक,हैदराबाद)
2. मुख्य परीक्षक (इंडियन बैंक ,हैदराबाद )
3. बाहरी परीक्षक एवं मूल्यांकनकर्ता – हिंदी महाविद्यालय ,हैदराबाद ,सेंटेंस
कॉलेज फॉर वीमेन ,हैदराबाद एवं सेंट फ्रांसिस कॉलेज फ़ॉर वुमन,हैदराबाद
4. समिति सदस्य – डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ़ पब्लिक लाइब्रेरीज , गवर्नमेंट ऑफ़ आन्ध्र प्रदेश
5. सदस्य – हिंदी हैं हम विश्व मैत्री मंच ,हैदराबाद
6. संपादक मंडल सदस्य- राजभाषा परिवार (ई-पत्रिका)
प्रकाशन-साहित्यिक पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में मौलिक रचनाओं का प्रकाशन
* शोध पत्रिकाओं में शोध पत्रों का
*समाचार -पत्र में आलेखों का प्रकाशन
पुस्तक प्रकाशन- दक्षिण भारत के हिंदी साहित्य का समीक्षात्मक सर्वेक्षण
* अनुरक्ति -काव्य संकलन
ISBN – ISBN -978-81-940015-0-8
दस ख़त-लघु उपन्यास ( महादेवी वर्मा पुरस्कार से सम्मानित)
ISBN dasskheth
7. Madalitso , BlantyreHe is 17 years old.He is Co-Author of one book.Mail id -Blessingsrodi46@gmail.com Hobbies are Reading Bible, writing and reciting poems.He is also good in Writting Gospel songs and Dramas. Listening to Gospel music.Reading Gospel novels.
Poem: Letter to God
8. Madalitso Rodi , BlantyreHe is 17 years old.He is Co-Author of one book.Mail id -Blessingsrodi46@gmail.com Hobbies are Reading Bible, writing and reciting poems.He is also good in Writting Gospel songs and Dramas. Listening to Gospel music.Reading Gospel novels.
Poem: Letter to God
9. मेरा नाम डा भारती झा है।भारती बिंदु के नाम से लोकप्रिय हूं।लेखनी चलती रहे ये इच्छा है। मां पिता के आशीष से संस्कृत में डॉक्टरेट किया है।स्वयं को सफल गृहणी मानती ।नौकरी को कभी भी प्राथमिकता नहीं दी।परिवार प्रथम !!🙏🏼
10. vikash roy, insta id -v_r_247,i am from bihar but living in indore right now.
11. Hi ..my name is shivangi virag I am currently pursuing BAMS in patiala ,punjab .so basically a to be doctor whose heals her own wounds through words ..I aspire to be good teacher and a poet who talks about society, people living in it and their emotions…Insta I’d – sochki_siyahii
12.Swaleha Arif….She is a budding writer. She is Microbiologist by education, Orator by skills & a Writer by passion. Her love to read books & penning down thoughts made her a writer. She is fond of writing poems, blogs, articles. She is the Co-author of many anthologies.
Insta I’d- swaleha_writes
13. Her Name is “Hema Arya”. She is from Delhi. She is working as Team Leader in Gurgaon based MNC. She is a very personalized writer. She like to put a lot of her emotions, experiences and opinions into what she write. She is able to make her writing something other people can connect to, or relate to in some way by generalizing the thoughts and experiences she is writing about. For daily thoughts you can connect her on instagram @agirl_withapen. She is also running a youtube channel called “A Girl With A Pen”.
14. Hiii myself Jadhav vikram from Maharashtra currently I’m a student of class 12th basically I’m an lyricist, poet, and wrriter as well as actor . And on Insta as I’d Jadhav_Vikram_official the hobby is to write and create something new.
15. Hey there! I’m Rutvi Masalawala. I’m a blogger and writer by passion. Currently an engineering student. I believe literature is the key to all treasures in you heart. I’m a curious girl with dope desires. Someone who loves exploring new adventures. For me, words are not just a hobby, but a way to express. A language that helps me convey my flaws creatively.
I write about stories I can never confess.
16. Writer, Megha Sareen is a 19 yr old girl and a first year college student. She started writing since she was 14 and writing poems, stories, articles is her save space where she can pour out everything without being judged. She love to splash her thoughts on blank pages staring at her with an urge to get filled. Aspiring to live her live in millions of stories through reading and writing rather than just her own. Apart from writing she loves to paint and play guitar. Insta I’d – @meghasareen_
17.She is Khushi yadav. She is from Delhi. She is student of 2nd of Delhi University. Hobbies are singing and writing poems. Instagram id _khushi_yadav_0103
18.This is Ayushi Kaushik, a girl of 21 from Shahdol, Madhya pradesh. She is currently persuing her graduation in bachelor of arts. She worked as a co-author in some anthologies and she mostly writes poetries. She started writing poetries since she was 12 years old. Writing is her pashion and she aspires to be a writer in coming future.
Insta id:- @_penning.imagination_
19. This is Satheesh Mantripragada..Telugu poet,writer, Lyricist.. wrote so many songs,poems..From Hyderabad..My ambition is to promote/represent Telugu in different competitions.My insta id Satheeshmantripragada
20. Name : Sarrah Alamshah Age : 17yrs Insta id : sarrahalamshah I’m a writer and I have written many self composed poems. I decided to use this talent to spread social awareness among people and make world a better place in a creative way. Recently I had written a poem on “Air pollution” supporting HAWABADLO initiative and got a Lenovo M10 Tablet as a prize. As i belong from the city of lakes, I wrote a poem on making people aware with the importance of lakes in our life and received trophy for the same. I wrote poem on Save Water to support PRAYAN initiative by NAYARA. I composed a poem “Go green” to encourage plantation of trees and also supported ‘Go Green Partapur’ project as a part of my social service.
Insta acc : https://instagram.com/sarrahalamshah?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
21. मैं, सीएमए ज्योति माहेश्वरी, 4-5 वर्षों से लिख रही हूं। मैं पेशे से व्याख्यता हूं। मुझे दिल को छूने वाले विषयों पर कविताएं लिखना पसंद है। मेरा एक काव्य संग्रह *मन-मन्थन* नाम से प्रकाशित हुआ है। मैं *भारत विकास परिषद* की राजस्थान मध्य प्रांत की कार्यकारिणी सदस्य हूं। मेरे प्रयासों से यदि किसी के भी जीवन में कोई सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आए, तो मैं स्वयं को सफल मानूंगी 🙏
22. My name is Nusrat Jabeen. I am from Patna. I hold a master degree in travel and tourism. I achieved various certificates in poem competition, social work, music, photography and TEFL/TESOL certified trainer as well language trainer as of now. I also did the work with E TV Urdu channel,new delhi. Besides this, I am an author of one book named as” A Delightful Harmony Of Spirit”.
Insta id: @nussu11
23. Pragyasree is a medical student who resides in one the most happening cities, Hyderabad. She has a fierce passion to pen down all her emotions. She’s a poetess, an author, a dancer, a singer, a guitarist and always ready to take a challenge with a warm smile.
Insta id: pragyasree21
24. She is Ashmita Pandey. She is pursuing Btech. Her hobbies are writing poem and playing cricket. She is an introvert type person. Poem are her bestfriends because they poems are the best way to convey her emotions. She used to write poem whenever she feels alone and writing make her feel better. For her writing is equal to sukoon😌.
Instagram I’d = @__the__shared__pen___
25. Hi. This is Jagruti Begani. I am MBA in finance and banking from IBS Hyderabad. I have worked in a bank for 2.5years in forex department. Currently, I am a homemaker and a mother of three kids. I love to write poetries and short stories. I have good oratory skills too. Apart from that, I like to read and watch videos about our mythology.Insta ID jagrutibegani
26. This is Tanya Gupta. She is a budding poet and writer from Varanasi. She is an educator by profession but her passion and peace lie in writing and performing poetries. She believes poems to be soul soothers and and cleansers that take her to an entirely different world away from the chaos of life. Instagram handle: @tanyalekhika
27. Ankita singh is a 20 year old girl, pursuing her graduation in lifesciences from Gargi college, Delhi university. She is a spiritual as well as logical person with a poetic vision and thinking beyond the ordinary. She loves to read enormous psychology and fiction novels and loves to write poetry and inspiring quotes about Life, mind and emotions. She is also a good orator and has won many paper presentation competitions. She intends to reach maximum number of people with her inspiring thoughts to give them a direction and hope in their lives. She is connected with many NGOs to spread happiness and aspires to be the greatest inspiration and works day and night to be the one!
28. Arati Manas Das is a versatile lady who is a Teacher and is fond of writing, dancing, modelling. She is a published author of Hindi book “Guldasta” and “Frame Of Feelings”. She is Mrs India Flykee 2020, Mrs Tiara Queen 2021 and many titles holder. She bagged lots of awards especially during pendamic which includes Her Ka Hunar Award, Global Excellence Teachers Award, Mahatma Gandhi Ratan Award and many more. She is a dance teacher and a mother of 10 years old girl which is her superpower.
29. Name – SANDEEP RAI a budding talent from Tea City of India DIBRUGARH (ASSAM) worked as an actor in TV Serials like Crime Patrol Dastak, Tujhse Hai Rabtaa and Meri Hnaikarak Biwi . Currently residing in MUMBAI and following his passion of Acting , Poetry and Stand up Comedy .My insta id – sandeeprai1982
30. Sadekha Ismail Shaikh work as a fellow at Ummeed Inclusion Fellowship Program at Ummeed.
She love to write poetries, journal her thoughts, do art, listen to music, read books, pray, spend time in nature, have conversations, etc.
She believe that every step is important and life is a journey.
She navigate from a space of spreading love and empathy.
She hope that we all get a safe space to express ourselves and we all are included.
Insta id – sadekhashaikh
31. I m tanya gulati I m 25 I am graduate completed i m from agra i love to write nd spokened poetries on mic i listening old mashup songs i wnt to explore more in this field I hve been write since 2 years my insta is poet taani
32. This is usman_saifi
From moradabad UP
I’m a poet writer
I have studied technology of animation from bs.c in computer science.
My insta id is – @usman.saifi.poetry
33. This is Meena Grover from Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. Teacher by profession since 2000. Love to write Poems and script for Plays. My first poetry book named ‘Manmih Kavita Kosh’ was published in 2021 and my second poetry book named ‘Anubhav’ is going to publish soon. I have also participated on various online poetry contests and got the certificate and medal of top 50, top 43 and top 4 poetess. I write poems on the basis of real experience of life.
34. He is Amit Kumar Dhiman aka AK Dhiman ‘Veer’ in writing era. He is registered male nurse by profession who turns Authorpreneur. He is not a professional writer but, he is a passionate poetry writer. He write since 2011. He wrote 100+poems, 7+ e-Books & 3 paperbacks.
He wrote in many platforms including YourQuote, Poemhunter, Kavishala, Koo and many more…
He worked in 75+ anthologies and magazines. He did 2 Business talks online. He was awarded “Best Hindi Writer” on the occasion of 1st Anniversary of ‘The Opus Coliseum’.
He wants to die as a writer.
35. Aliya Noor Afshan, daughter of Md. Rafi Waris and Zarina khatoon, was born in 2003 on the land of enlightenment and salvation,Gaya,Bihar. She has completed her schooling from D.A.V. Public School,CRRC,Gaya. Currently, she is pursuing BSc+BEd integrated course from Central University of South Bihar.
She has won a couple of prizes in Yoga and Mantrochchaaran competition. She is co-author of 30+ anthologies, and compiler of the book ‘ Every day is your day’.
She has been selected in various online poetry contest among top writers, her poetries have been featured in ‘Lutopia Magazine’.
She believes that ‘When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful’ and she wants to be that voice through her writings.
Insta id: aliya noorafshan
36. Ankit Kayal, Born in 2004, in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal state, India. Growing up in Kashinagar village in South 24 Parganas district. An insatiable interest in reading since childhood. He appeared in the world of literature from the sixth grade. Father’s name is Amitava Kayal, mother’s name is Sunanda Kayal.
He wrote notable poetry books is “sesh diary”. He received Sahitya Sathi Award, Bharat Vibhushan award etc.
Instagram I’d :- i_am_mr._veer
37. This is Satheesh from Hyderabad..I participated in so many online competations& recently got Gold medal for my song by IFH (Bangalore)..But,this competition..i don’t know how to express,deeply connected, eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s result..I like the fast/accurate response from the SGSH..Thanku All🙂
38. I am Pramod N working as Professor in well reputed Pharmacy college, I am passionated in teaching and research, I have achieved many awards in that young scientist award is most memorable, I wrote 8 professional book and written 15 Telugu Christian songs , apart from professor , I am Telugu Christian lyricist, I had written couple of poems and stories and achieved appreciation and awards. I have done few short message oriented animation movies and received awards in international film festival. My dream is endless and for my taughts there is no margins.
39. Prathima Rao G is a student who is currently pursuing her masters along with her work simultaneously in an IT Firm. She is also an artist and a writer otherwise. “She ultimately became himself” was published a year back; and creepy shadows recently. She is also currently working on publishing her next solo book .On spending most of her teenage years in writing and journaling, she has a good hold on her pen. Apart from participating in various anthologies and competitions, she cultivates and appreciates numerous art forms. Prathima is an introvert and feels that penning her thoughts can express her feelings in a better way…
40. Ankur Goswami is an Assistant Professor of English, a research scholar, a blogger and a poet by passion. He hails from Guwahati, Assam. He is the author of a book of poems entitled _I Found a Poem_. Two of his poems have been anthologized in _Rendezvous of Words_. He recites his poems on his podcast channels “Life Easy” and “Poesy Buzz”. He loves experimenting with various forms of poetry including the haiku, the hay(na) ku, the sonnet and free verse.Insta handle: ankoorgoswami
41. *Hello, I am Riya Prakash.* I am 20 now and studying in BCA 3rd sem. Apart from this I am a Motivational Speaker, YouTuber, entrepreneur and a writer too. I use to write Motivational stories, poetries and short motivational paragraphs. I love to write and make related videos. Because I think this is the most beautiful work or can say career in the world to help others to grow in their life. My poetries are covered by 4 newspapers till date. *My aim is to help 10k people till 2024.*. My insta I’d is riya_prakash_1309. Please support me so that I can help more people.
42. Hi I am Prateeq Kamal Saxena from Agra, U.P.
I am a Graduate and works as a Sales Professional.
Have never participated anywhere before but
Filling the pen of the heart with the ink of feelings/emotions and writing them on paper – is my habit, is my hobby.
I am available at my insta as –
Poem Name – Kamal Ki Kalam Se !! (Various)
43. Hello everyone Myself Sonal Khemani.33 years old.Basically i was born in Baroda ..completed my studies in Silvassa Dadra and Nagar Haveli from SSR College of Pune University and finally settled . From initial point of view and a sports person – State level Basketball player and District level cricketor. Last year only I had achieved the crown of Queen of India organised by the organisation – Wow wings of India The main aspect of my life is to do best and different in every field .. Empathetically am not a poet..But sometimes I want to capture my moments and memories and feelings in poetic form..I had written many other poems also..only to represent my thoughts in beautiful manner … as this is the gesture which is gifted by my parents.. Last but not the least The main success of life in my words is to accomplish one’s goal in our life..Bring smile on 1 face daily and be the reason of someone’s smile ..and learn good and innovative things to make your life more innovative and adventurous ..
44. He is Mukund Deshpande. He is graduate mechanical engineer by profession & residing in one of the cultural city of India ie Pune. Mukund is a person who always tries to create and write a poetry in a simple manner to which everyone will relate easily.Till time he has written more than 50 poems in Marathi and Hindi language on several subjects like Love,Family and farmers too. He belive that language is not the barrier to express the true feelings.Earlier he was appreciated by the platform “Kavyahotra – Kavyamala” by Manasa Creation in 2022. He is passionate and always spend his free time to create some new lines to spread smile happiness. You can follow him on his insta :Mukunddeshpande2022.
45. My self Arish Sharma I m 38yrs old an educator
I truly love and enjoy writing poetry
46. Hi
I am manvi. I am persuing BA 2nd year and also working as NTT teacher. Basically my hobby is to write poems and shyari
47. नाम:- कुमार प्रेम’पिनाकी’
लेखक, विचारक
:Research Scholar (Work in Nanomedicine)
पहली किताब:- ज़िक्र
आगामी किताब:-
48. Abhishek Kumar Pandey
Success Mentor
Poem- Kaliyug Me Ram Akela Hai
Rohtas, Bihar 821107
49. I am Tulsi singh. I am engineering student. I live in bareilly. Writing is my passion. I write my own lines, poetry and shayari. My favorite lines is my life is full of blessings…and blessings is my parents… which is given by the God.. 😇
50. सभी को नमस्कार 🙏🙏🙏
मेरा नाम – रविन्द्र कुमार
पानीपत (हरियाणा )
मै एक लेखक हु कहानियां, किस्से, कविता , गज़ल और गाने ये सब मै लिखने की कोशिश करता हु। इंजीनियरिंग करने के बाद जॉब कर रहा था लेकिन मुझे लेखन में ज्यादा रुचि थी इसीलिए मैंने एक साल से जॉब छोड़कर इन पर काम करना शुरू किया।
यह पर मेरी एक रचना बाबू- सोना है जो करुण रस के साथ एक हास्य गीत है धन्यवाद 🙏🙏🙏
51. This is Shazia Beigh here, I’m 28 years old and I belong to Kashmir. I’m an advocate by profession and apart from being an advocate I also work as a manager in a central project. I did my first poem when I was in 7th grade ” Par shayad hum na honge.” I often participate in poetry contests. See, I’m neither a good poetss nor a good writer but I like to pen down my thoughts. Poetry gives me peace and I love writing like hell. If you guys want you can follow me on instagram and my insta I’d is: diya_beigh.
52. आयुषी शर्मा
शायद बेखबर सी ख्वाहिश हूं,
दिल-ए-उम्मीद की गुज़ारिश हूं,
तन्हाई की मोहब्बत हूं,
सुकून सा अल्फाज़ हूं,
बीते ख्वाबों की सांस हूं,
उसकी दुआओं का आज हूं,
ज़िद्दी दर्द की धड़कन हूं,
आजाद इश्क की जकड़न हूं,
खुदी के सच का गुरूर हूं,
तमाम जागती रातों का सुरूर हूं,
उस नज़र के बिना अधूरी हूं,
बीते एहसासों से पूरी हूं ,
उन मुलाकातों की महक हूं,
फफकती सांसों का सबक हूं,
बिटिया की मां हूं,
चंद मजबूरियों की तुर्रम खां हूं,
खताओं का दर्पण हूं,
ख़ामोश राख का समर्पण हूं ।
ख़ुद में, खुद से अर्पण हूं।
Insta I’d.. aayushi_aaditrisharma28
53. I am Kavita Sangras Kanherikar. I am a Hyderabadi. I have been writing poems since my school days. Before social media platforms took over, I used to write and keep my poems in my Diary. Initially I restricted to writing Shero-Shayari, mostly limited to Hindi and Marathi. Recently, I have started writing in English. Am a proud owner of my blog – Kavyanjali.My insta I’d is Kavita.kanherikar. you can follow me .
54. I’m a college student. I’m currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Bachelor of English at Dr. Sns Rajalakshmi college of arts and science. I started to write poems at the age of 14. I likes to write and read poems. My dream is to become a poet. I’m a determined girl.
Insta I’d: serinsilviya
55. मैं डॉ सी एम गुप्ता अटल हूँ और कौशाम्बी जिला गाजियाबाद(उ. प्र )एडवोकेट हाईकोर्ट दिल्ली में प्रेक्टिस करता हूँ और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ओज एवं व्यंग्य कवि के रूप में देश विदेश में विगत लगभग 40 वर्षों से कवि मंचों से सतत सफलता पूर्वक काव्य पाठ कर रहा हूँ और साहित्यिक क्षेत्र में कवि रूप में अंतराष्ट्रीय कवि गौरव(अमेरिका )व भारतगौरव विक्रमशिला हिंदी विद्यापीठ(बिहार) भारत तथा विद्या सागर, विद्या वाचस्पति, साहित्यचार्य, साहित्यरत्न, हिंदी राष्ट्र भाषा गौरव, आदि उपाधियों से अलंकृत एवं हरियाणा साहित्य अकादमी एवं हिंदी अकादमी, दिल्ली आदि से सम्मानित कवि हूँ. तीन काव्य पुस्तक प्रकाशित व तीन प्रकाशा धीन हैँ. दो फिल्मों में गीत लिखे हैँ एवं 8देशों अमेरिका, कनाडा, दुबई, अबुधाबी आदि में आकर्षक मानदेय सहित काव्य यात्रा करने का सुअवसर प्राप्त कर चुका हूँ. टीवी चैनल, रेडियो एफएम व आकाशवाणी दिल्ली से काव्य पाठ कर चुका हूँ.
56. This is Dr.Ravindra pal Singh Muzalda (KaviRp) MBBS, MD. He is not a perfect Poet from the very beginning or have any knowledge of poem writing. But than one day he took a pen and start writing his thought and feelings stuck in mind that he want to write it down. This gave a birth of his inner poetry child within him. His first poem got published in his school magzine from there is love to pen down his thoughts. He is now a budding quote writer and a poet. And now its one of his favourite hobby and love to do so in his free time. He is Author of the 2 books “अधूरी ख्वाहिशें – ख्वाहिशों का आसमां” & “SEESAW -LOVE, LIFE, FRIENDSHIP” Which is Available ON AMAZON & FLIPKART. He is also worked as a Co-Author for more than 50+ anthologies. U can get connected with him on Ig – Dr.Strange_Shayar (kavirp08).
57. I am Chandana Dey from Kolkata, West Bengal. I worked as a Senior Accountant in a Pvt. Ltd. Co for 20 years. Now I am working as a Freelance Accountant. I also do painting and writing professionally. Side by side I also work for assignment writing. ☺️
58. I am Abhishek Ghosh from Dooars, Siliguri, West Bengal. Honors Graduate in History and Diploma in Mass Communication and Fine Arts. I worked as a Police Personnel, and Founder & Director of an NGO which is active in North Bengal since last 2 year. I am also a journalist( 7 yrs experience) and bengali writer.
Insta:- indian_poet_92
59. My name is Astha Dixit and I am an engineer by profession. I am working from last 4 years and based in Nashik, Maharashtra. I always find peace in writing because I believe that writing is not just used to color paper but to convert your feelings into words. I don’t remember when I started writing but I must say that this is something I really want every next hour of the day. I like to write songs and couplets. My articles are continuously being published in the newspapers of Lucknow (Bharat Desh), Indore (Indore Samarchar), Kanpur (Bharat Ka Pani) and Banaras (Aaj Ka Chana) and on the sites of e-magazine as Jai Vijay Patrika, Hindi are being shared in Rakshak Manch, Hindu organization etc. My poems are also published in many books like Tera Mera Saath, Chand Pe Ishq, Reshmi Raaste, Bachpan, Special Message for Father, Love You Maa etc. Insta Id asthadpoet
60. Bio –
👉 This is Vikram Pandey
from India.
👉 I graduated in political science and diploma in financial accounting.
👉 I love to watching movies , webseries , reading autobiography , singing, dance and most acting.
👉 I am writing a book it’s called infinity this book about life’s secret .
👉 I wrote lot of story and poems like Dadi ki aankh, Roshini, Ek Bachpan tha mera, 14th November, corona hai na , women power, life’s quotes, etc.
👉 My goal is becoming gentle, famous and rich .
👉 Instragram- anandpanday__
👉 Now me learning myself.
Thanks a lot sgsh for giving this wonderful platform.
61. His name is Bhagat Singh.He is from Haryana.He is currently working as an Engineer in Tamilnadu.He loves to write poetry.He published a Hindi poetry collection book in 2017 titled as “Life ke lamhe alag alag”.He published his poems in more than 10 anthologies.He is trying to let people think INA different way through his poetry. Insta ID:bhagattop10
62. M. Jay Dixit is an aspiring young poet. He’s also a Mechanical Engineer, a Blogger and a Tutor. His work has appeared in Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Scifaikuest Magazine, and other venues. Over 200 of his poems can be found at his personal website: https://septemberhearttohearts.wordpress.com/
63. Mohammed Saifi, a Grade 9 student of Hasanat High School (Mumbai) loves to write & recite poetry. He is a lover of English Literature & History. His role model is none other than his own mother who has authored the book titled “Happiness Lies Within”. Mohammed has many awards to his credit. At the age of 8, he won the title of “India’s Best Googler” by WhizJuniors. He won the most prestigious “Author Of The Year 2021” award by StoryMirror. He has won 10 National Awards in the field of WRITING.
He is the Author of the book titled BESTEA and Co-Author of the books SANDCASTLES & PAPER BOATS, TINY LITTLE TALES and WAVES OF RESONANCE. These books are available on Amazon.
Mohammed’s name has been entered in INDIA PROUD BOOK OF RECORDS (IPBR) for being “India’s Youngest Author To Write Soulful Poetry In His Book Titled BESTEA”. He also received the “India Proud Award 2023” / “Bharat Gaurav Samman 2023” for the same.
64. Hi Everyone i m Aryan Nagpal From Punjab…..
I m Musician n Lyricist……an What to say my journey just going on in music field and for me every day is for me it’s new day to begin new journey😌 an bst of luck all of you guy’s 😊. @bllack_diamond_
65. This is OviyaManickam.. BSc.Chemistry gratuated in coimbatore,tamilnadu.. Now i am house wife..I love to write poems when i start reading books..I am published my poems in some Tamil anthologies.. Instagram id: Ovinvarigal
66. This is sahasra.. from warangal. M. pharmacy completed. Love to write poetry.. i wrot lot of poems in Telugu language .. insta.I’d. chitty shainy
67. *Hello, I am Mayurakshi Sinha,by my profession banker. Apart from this I am a Relationship advice, YouTuber, entrepreneur and a writer too. I write stories and poems on social issues and heartbreak.. I love to write and make related videos. My work is published in some books available on Kindle. I am also a regular writer on the Reflection website *. I got the award for the best author in the romantic category in Asian Magazine .I also got the best author award from the Indian Icon Awards. My podcast is ranking in apple podcast named Dil ki kahani Akshi ki zubaani.My insta I’d is Mayurakshi Sinha.
68. My name is Golu Sen Kumbhraji and I am a resident of Guna district of Madhya Pradesh state. I like to read and write poetry. I have done Master of Arts in Geography and now I am working as a tent supplier.
69. Hello my name is Deepti Anand. I am from Delhi and working in a Power Company. I like poetry as this is a very good method to express feelings. Writing poems is my passion and it is basically a thought process so whenever a thought comes in my mind I always tried to write it down. I have already written more than 100 poems and attended my poetry shows. You can follow me through https://youtube.com/@deeptianandhindipoetry9428 and
70. Hitvik Tehlan I study in lower kg my school name is orchid The international school , Gurgaon I loves to read English poems, nd English stories books nd I like to recite English poems too, nd I loves to take part in poems competition.. besides that I like to do painting nd drawing ….
71 I am priyanka somani from Delhi..i use to write about all feelings..i am a personalised poem writer also.
My Instagram I’d is:
71. V. Sivasankari is an aspiring and budding poetess. She is pursuing her final year B.com (Applied) degree. Playing veena, photography, singing, painting, poem & article writing and participating in extempore and elocutions are her hobbies. She has co-authored in several books.Her aim is to become a successful business woman and a great poetess. She always wants to make her parents proud. It’s just a beginning , her journey has no boundaries… 🙂
72. I am Pramod N working as Professor in well reputed Pharmacy college, I am passionated in teaching and research, I have achieved many awards in that young scientist award is most memorable, I wrote 8 professional book and written 15 Telugu Christian songs , apart from professor , I am Telugu Christian lyricist, I had written couple of poems and stories and achieved appreciation and awards. I have done few short message oriented animation movies and received awards in international film festival. My dream is endless and for my taughts there is no margins.
73. Hello, I am Deepika Pal from Betul Madhya Pradesh. My profession is hindi News writer In Bansal News Channel Bhopal. I am passionate for content and poem writing with real emotion. I Explore some of adventure in life like cyclling, dancing cooking all about activites. i want to fill all the dream for my wishlist.
74. I am Bhoomi Gupta. I am from Gangapur City, Rajasthan. I am pursuing MBA in HR and CS. i love to write about emotions mostly.
75. *Kiruthika Muthusamy* is a budding writer. She holds Master of Science in Mathematics. She hails from Salem, Tamilnadu. She enjoys pursuing Writing, Reading Books, Hearing Songs and Dancing during the free hours. You can find her at Ig Handle @_5478_thi_52_
“Step your feet towards the direction of your dreams… You’ll taste the Success”.
76. Bhawna Mishra, research Scholar in P.G Department of English Magadh University
Bodh-Gaya, Bihar. She is doing her research on Feminism in Mahasweta Devi ‘s Major fiction .She is an assistant editor of Satrachee –An International Bilingual Research Journal. She has presented her research papers in National & International seminars too. She is co-author of more than 32 anthologies .She has compiled an anthology DADIRRI under Ukiyoto publication.Her own anthology *Astitva*is published under SGSH publication and available on Amazon too. LANGLIT AN INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL also published her three poems. She is equally active in Hindi literature too; her poems & stories got published in Hindustan newspaper Patna edition. Mostly she writes about society and women. She is awarded on 8thMarch 2021 by HERSTORY TIMES, for her active participation in Prithvi- women climate warrior campaign. She got innovative teacher award by ZIIEI, Sri Aurobindo Society .She wants to do something for women as she wonders that both nature and women have endless patience but now it’s a time to rethink about both of them.
77. This is *Chella Grace* mother of a four year old , working as an Assistant Professor of English, living in Chennai, Tamilnadu. I love writing poems and non-fiction that helps me to express my emotions in the best way.
78. जीवन परिचय
🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹् नाम– मधु वशिष्ठ
रुचि:- साहित्य पढ़ना और लिखना।
उपलब्धियां: लेखन प्रारंभ- सितंबर 2018 में दिल्ली सरकार से सेवानिवृत्ति के उपरांत मुझे बहुत सा समय मिला उसमें अपने लेखन के शौक को फिर से जागृत करके लेखन आरंभ किया।
उपलब्धियां:- मौम्स्प्रेसो में मेरी रचनाओं को अब तक 58 मिलियन से भी ज्यादा लोग देख चुके हैं। मेरे बहुत से ब्लॉग गोल्डन ब्लॉग के अंतर्गत तो आए ही हैं इसके अतिरिक्त कई बार मैं टॉप ब्लॉगर भी रही।
प्रतिलिपि में मुझे गोल्डन बैज तो मिला ही है इसके अतिरिक्त घर पर मुझे उनके द्वारा बहुत से सर्टिफिकेट भी प्राप्त हुए हैं। प्रतिलिपि में मेरे फॉलोअर्स 2300 से भी अधिक है।
स्टोरी मिरर में मुझे लिटरेरी जनरल की उपाधि मिली हुई है और दो बार मैं ऑथर ऑफ द ईयर 2022 के लिए में नॉमिनी भी हूं।उनकी बहुत सी प्रतियोगिताओं में मैं विनर भी रही हूं।
1)काशी कविता मंच
२)साहित्यिक मित्र मंडल जबलपुर
३)मानवीय मूल्यों का मंच
४) हमारा प्यारा हिंदुस्तान मंच
५) हिंदी साहित्य दर्पण
६) रश्मिरथी कविता प्रतियोगिता में मैंने प्रथम स्थान पाया ७)साहित्य बोध मंच
और बहुत से साहित्यिक मंचों द्वारा मुझे 300 से अधिक प्रमाण पत्र मिल चुके हैं।
हिंदी रचनाकार मंच द्वारा मुझे काव्यश्री सम्मान भी मिला हुआ है।
पुस्तकों के नाम:- मेरी दो सोलो पुस्तकें छप चुकी हैं।
1) कहानियां यादों की
2) अनुभव (इसमें मेरी कविताओं का संकलन है)
इसके अतिरिक्त बहुत सारे साझा संकलनों में मेरी रचनाएं प्रकाशित हुई है और बहुत सी रचनाएं प्रकाशन के लिए तैयार है।
यदा-कदा मैगजीन और अखबारों में भी मेरे लेख या कविताएं छपते रहते हैं।
कवि सम्मेलन में भाग:- मैंने बहुत सारे कवि सम्मेलन में भाग लिया है।
1) टेन न्यूज़ लाइव के कवि सम्मेलन में भाग लिया ।
1)मानवीय मूल्यों की माला मंच
2)साहित्यिक मित्र मंडल जबलपुर के लगभग प्रत्येक गुरुवार को जूम एप पर होने वाले काव्य सम्मेलन में मैं मंच का संचालन भी करती हूं।
3)स्टोरी मिरर द्वारा उनके ऑनलाइन काव्य पाठ की मैं 2 बार विनर रही हूं।
लेखन में अपने अनुभवों को साझा करते हुए मेरी यह पूर्णतया कोशिश रही है कि मैं समाज को सकारात्मक साहित्य प्रदान कर सकूं। भविष्य में मेरी यही इच्छा है कि अब मैं जीवन पर्यंत साहित्य के लिए ही समर्पित रहूं। मां सरस्वती मेरे लेखन को सरसता और दृढ़ता प्रदान करे कि मैं अपने लेखन द्वारा समाज को सकारात्मकता प्रदान कर सकूं।
79. I’m a Dr.Divya Rathod .
I’m occupational therapist I am from Ahemedabad Gujaratt. I enjoys pursuing Writing, Reading Books, Anchoring , deliver to speech & Treat my patients .
I had written couple of poem & stories and achieve lots of certificates. My mom & dad is my inspiration . My dad is my inspirationa. My parents is my backbone ! You can find me at Ig : Dr.divya_rathod
80. This is Shazia Beigh here, I’m 28 years old and I belong to Kashmir. I’m an advocate by profession and apart from being an advocate I also work as a manager in a central project. I jotted down my first poem when I was in 7th grade ” Par shayad hum na honge.” I often participate in poetry contests. See, I’m neither a good poetess nor a good writer but I like to pen down my thoughts. Poetry gives me peace and I love writing like hell. If you guys want you can follow me on instagram and my insta I’d is: diya_beigh.
81.This is Riya Arora, a 16 year old from Rajasthan, who fell for words. An Aesthete teenager who finds deep comfort in the language of free verse poetry. Particular and enthusiastic intrest in Spoke Word Poetry marks my personality.
Available on Instagram as