Eclipse Event Community Organized their monthly open mic, “Irenic 10.0”.


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Eclipse Event community has been working towards polishing the skills of everyone by organising different competitions in various fields. the organisation is headed by Shruti Singh, Aditi Bajoria and Yash Agarwal. The community recently conducted their monthly open mic contest.

There were a total of 15 participants which were- BHARAT SHARMA, Kaushik, Mrigank Shekhar Mishra, Dimpsy Sujan, Tanaya Chinchwade, Shakaib Shaad, Pravartika Gandhi, Tushar Yadav, Amit Daga, Habib Kinkhabwala, Ashish Mishra, Sakshi Sharma, Anupama vernekar, Sumit Mahajan, Neelam Das

The jury was in trouble choosing winners among these talented participants. The competition was healthy and well organised and one winner was chosen among everyone.
In the end Pravartika Gandhi was chosen as winner and was sent the winners hamper to her respective residence.

The whole team of Eclipse Event Community wishes the winner great prosperity and power to conquer more achievements in future!
To participate in such events, reach out to us at

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