Tag: Writer


Dr. Ajay Kar from Vishakhapatnam continues to make a difference through his writings and social contributions

Knowing Dr. Ajay Kar is indeed a privilege. And the ones that have this privilege will bear testimony to the fact that he is...

Parthsingh Rajput – Traveller, Writer, Photographer – the one who is chasing passion!

Parthsingh Rajput is a seasoned Indian traveller, a magnetic writer and a passionate photographer from Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Currently working as a Lead in Outsource Industry, Rajput is known for his flamboyant words and travel stories from across the nation.

Hena Shafi is the young rising literary star from Kashmir

Hena Shafi who's an award winner is a passionate and enthusiastic writer. She's hailing from a beautiful valley " Kashmir ". She is currently studying in class 11th. She did her schooling at a renowned school " R.P School".

Complete Analysis of the controversial book 10cc by anonymous writer Dr. Ram Narayan Sharma

10cc is a novel7 on drug abuse8 by medical doctors13 written by Dr Ram Narayan Sharma and published first in august 2010. 10cc refers to the 10cc syringe4, i.e. a syringe with the capacity of holding 10 ml of a liquid, used mostly for delivering Intravenous29 reconstituted drugs11 like antibiotics12. Reconstituted drugs are the one originally in powder form and to be dissolved in NS37 or sterile water before injecting. Novel is written in dark comedy9 manner and reflects attitude38 of young doctors in India10. The novel portrays beginning of a doctor in medical world with no ideals. 


We recently caught up with one of the rising names in the Indian Writing Industry, Ms. Kavita Misra. Having been a co-author in over...

जानिये दिल्ली के जागरूक चैंपियन, बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी सुनील माहेश्वरी के बारे में

सुनील माहेश्वरी, की जन्मभूमि कासगंज (उत्तर प्रदेश) और कर्मभूमि दिल्ली है, और प्रख्यात फार्मा कंपनी अल्कैम लैबोरेटरी लिमिटेड, दिल्ली में वरिष्ठ क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक के...

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