Tag: Interview


Subham Chandra talks about his life journey and passion for writing in this exclusive interview

In this exclusive interview Spicy Scoops with Pooja S for The Update India, Shubham shares his journey, his writing process, and his latest book, "The Anglerfish- A collection of lives never lived," a collection of poems that deal with social problems surrounding various characters. 

Trina Kanungo gets candid in an exclusive chat with us!

Trina Kanungo gets candid in an exclusive Spicy Scoops Interview with The Update India!

Voicing my opinion and motivate others to do the same through my writing is my aim, says Author Sneha Jain

The latest episode of Spicy Scoops features an exclusive interview with nspiring author Sneha Jain, who has made waves in the literary world with her thought-provoking and inspiring works.

Author Yashi Lath on unconditional love of dogs

Award-winning Author Yashi Lath shares Insights into Writing Journey and Latest Book on Unconditional Love of Dogs

Raj Aryan – Writer and Poet looking at quotidian scenarios with a broad perspective

Raj Aryan is a writer, a poet who has a tendency of looking at quotidian scenarios with a broad perspective which is evident in...

Indian author holding a world record. Piyush Babosa Baid.

Piyush Babosa Baid is an indian author and interior designer. He holds world record for his phenomenal concept reverse parenting. He also finds happiness in landscape designing.

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