Struggles of a Multi-Talented Writer: Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty Opens Up About Her Creative Journey In This Exclusive Interview


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Q- 1 Tell something about yourself.

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – I was born and brought up in Bansberia (West Bengal). After pursuing M.A. in Sociology, took up teaching as a profession. Now I am into writing also, you can say it was my dream but never thought that I can  express through writing. But yes, it happened and I have received several awards in this field also which acts like a booster.

Q-2  Mention social media link where people can connect you.

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – I am on instagram with the name, manaswita_bhatt_mukhaty. Even people can follow my quora profile as well to go through my writings.

Q-3 When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – Honestly I always dreamt, but never thought I can make it. So it happened all of a sudden. I just scribbled few lines and put it on insta handle, it started getting likes….I was thrilled and thus the journey started.

Q-4 Send any one best literary piece created by you. 

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – I wrote a piece as a co- author in an anthology, where it was described that Ram and Ravan both exists in us, so according to me it was my best till date.

Q-5 What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before writing a certain piece?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – When I think of any literary piece I go through a lot of websites on those topics as well as books. When I write anything on Quora where I generally write on social issues which requires a lot of research, but when I am writing anything imaginary it requires less, but before writing I go through spellings then various grammatical parts.

Q-6 What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – To find time for my writing.

Q-7 What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – I honestly believe their writings itself acts as an encouragement for me. They are so so good at their job, that I become awestruck and feel like improving every moment.

Q-8 If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – Be a learner always. No platform is small. Give your 100% everywhere.

Q-9  What’s the best way to market your books?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – Through social media and various book corners.

Q-10 What does literary success look like to you?

Manaswita Bhattacharyya Mukhaty – Self satisfaction. When I will go to bed with content, yes this is it…I am successful, and honours and appreciation

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