The following write-ups/poems have been shared by our esteemed contestants. You can read their content and then vote for your favourite contestant to make her/him the winner of the Golgappa Writing Contest by Cherry Book Awards, a unit of Digital Golgappa.
[ays_poll id=”7″]गोलगप्पा by Puja Kumari

अभी देखो तो सभी के जुबाँ पर एक ही नाम
गोलगप्पा -गोलगप्पा-गोलगप्पा
कुछ मीठी कुछ खट्टी सी होती है ये
स्वाद मे सबसे अलग होती है ये
देख कर जीभ पर पानी आ जाए
जो खाये उसका दिल खुश हो जाए
कुछ अलग सा मिश्रण मिला हो इसमे
कुछ अलग सा स्वाद पाया हो इसमे
जहाँ देखो वहाँ गोलगप्पो का ठेला
लगा रहता हर जगह चटकरो का मेला
इसकी स्वाद मे ही संतुष्टि
सभी को लगती ये बड़ी अनूठी
हैं कई है इसके नाम
अलग शहर अलग पहचान
पानीपुरी कहो या पुचका
फुलकी कहो या बतासा
अर्थ तो सबका एक से है
गोल्गापो से अलग का रिश्ता है
गोलगप्पा by Shubhanjali Nishad

गोलगप्पे के पुचके की तरह है मन मेरा,
इतना चंचल चितवन भटकता है मन मेरा।
घूम फिर के जब कभी कुछ खाने पे अटकता है मन मेरा,
बाजार में गोलगप्पे का कॉर्नर देख थम जाता है मन मेरा।
सूखे मटर के दानों जितना स्वाद है जिसका,
प्याज़ वा हरी मिर्च की तरह तीखा है रंग जिसका।
एक ऐसा ही गोलगप्पा राईटिंग कॉन्टेस्ट नाम है इसका,
चेरी बुक्स अवॉर्ड स्पॉन्सर है जिनका।
कुछ चुनींदा लेखन प्रतियोगिता में से एक है ये,
डिगिटल गोलगोप्पा नाम से चल रहा फर्म है इनका।
The Invisible Me (Poem on Body positivity) by Sneha Narayanan

I look at my body with anguish,
Every night I pray feverishly to Ganpati bappa,
that my flab vanishes and I stop looking like Golgappa…
I wish I could go invisible,
And fade out from everybody’s sight.
Till I find solace in the endless darkness of my plight.
I like being invisible.
To hide my inner me.
I love to dance and sing when no one’s watching and set my soul free.
I need to develop stronger boundaries,
need to break critical thought patterns,
and give myself the same love and compassion I’ve always extended to others.
I tell myself, yet again…
So, instead of punishing myself trying to look slimmer,
I chose to fall in love with myself
Till the noise around me grew dimmer.
Yogitha Subhash

Life is like a “GOLGAPPA”
As every bite, gives you the best taste, Similarly every step in life gives you the best experience’s..
Sometimes it’s Sweet experience, when you are happy,
It’s teary eye’s, when its spicy,
It’s sour, when you are sad,
It’s crunchy, when you are energetic,
and when unexpected miracle happens in life, its like getting an extra papdi after eating “GOLGAPPA”
so, what matters in life is the satisfaction which u get during your Journey and at the end everything is WORTH IT and WORTH LIVING.. !
Best things in life are free by Shreya Sinha

It is often said that the best things in life are free, like the sukha puri after the plate of *’golgappa’.*
Family, love, friendship, laughter, smile, hugs, happy memories, sleep, success etc are some of the most valuable things that doesn’t cost any money. And most importantly we can’t even imagine our life without these things. Can we?
Let’s discuss these valuable asset one by one today.
1. Family : The greatest blessing anyone can ever ask for is family. The moment a child is born, he/she is entitled to carry a certain surname throughout life. So, the question here is that any group of people can be termed as a family if they are carrying similar surname? The answer is no. Family is termed as the greatest blessing because it nurtures a life, support it and love it as it is. In a family, there’s unconditional love. Family not only provide food, shelter and education to a child but it also provide the environment where anyone can express their own thoughts without being judged.
2. Love : Having that one person with whom you can share all your joy and sorrow is a true blessing. Isn’t?
Love is not just a word with some ordinary meaning, it’s a responsibility in itself. Blessed are those who have this responsibility. In sickness, in health, in good days, in bad days, in success and in failure… that special one stick to you, sounds amazing right? And all you need is understanding, to maintain this very relationship.
3. Friendship : To have a tribe of people who support you and correct you throughout your lifetime is not just a blessing but it’s an achievement. Good people attract good tribe and together become what we call #Friendsforever. They’ll celebrate your success as their own, cheer you during your lows and correct you whenever you go wrong. And honesty is all you need to maintain this very relationship.
4. Smile and laughter : Laughter is the best medicine and smile is the best therapy. Isn’t? Whenever we laugh/smile, we are actually helping ourselves to free our mind. So, let’s smile and laugh occasionally.
5. Sleep : It’s a fact that the body and brain suffers dramatically without proper sleep. So its very important that we take care of our sleep. And sometimes there’s just no better feeling than crawling into a comfortable bed and letting our minds drift away to dreamland. A satisfying nap and a peaceful night’s sleep is true happiness. And the best thing is ‘it’s free’. Thus, never compromise your sleep.
6. Happy Memories : People often say that nothing lasts forever, but there’s something which lasts forever and that’s memories. Your first day at college or job, your first anniversary, your first solo trip, your wedding day are some of the most valuable memories. And to create these memories, all we need is an open heart and strong will.
7. Success : Success is something which money can never buy. Self-belief and hard work can earn success. And there’s no alternative to success.
Here’s my list ends, but I know there are a lot of things which money cannot buy.
In case you are still not convinced that best things in life are free, so just go out and spend a day near nature. You’ll understand my point of view.
Guneet Malik

बाहर का खाना तो जीभ का स्वाद बदलता है
घर के खाना खाकर तो हृदय महकता है,
बाहर के खाने से बीमारी और अन्य रोग पलते हैं
किंतु घर में पके पकवान से बच्चे तन्दरुस्त बनते हैं,
सरसों का साग, मक्की, बाजरे की रोटी
कहाँ मुकाबला कर सकेगी वो मैदे की रोटी,
अरे कुछ बाजार का ही है खाना
तो उसे घर पर बनाओ ना
स्वास्थ्यवर्धक मसालों संग प्यार से बनाओ ना
लस्सी, दूध और दही के संग परोसकर लाओ ना
ये गोल-गप्पे, पाव-भाजी, टिक्की-चाट
कभी घर में बनाकर खाओ ना
घर का खाना होता गुणकारी,
ना लाता ये कोई बीमारी ।
मिला होता इस में मां का प्यार ,
जो कभी नहीं मिलता जाके बाजार ,
चाहे तुम खर्च लो खाने पे पैसे हजार।
आजकल बच्चों को लगता है
बाजार का स्वादिष्ट खाना ,
मुश्किल हो जाता है पचाना,
जो डॉक्टर के पास जाने का दे देता है बहाना।
इसलिए सब कहते है ,
घर का खाना ही खाना ,
चाहे तुम्हे खुद क्यों ना पड़े बनाना ,
घर का स्वादिष्ट भोजन तुम सबको चखाना।
🪄🕯️🪔दीपावली🪔🕯️🪄 by Sukanya Mondal

गोलगप्पे !! चलो आज कुछ खास लिखते है
ओर त्योहारो मे खास कर कुछ लोग इसे भरपुर अनंद से इसका मजे लेते है
ओर डिजिटल दुनिया मै भी इसने बड़ी नाम कमाई है।।
त्योहार है ये जगमगाती हुए रंगीन रोशनी का,
दूख, दर्द ओर अँधेरों को दूर करके रोशनी से
भर दे ये दीवाली हम सबके जिंदगी का ।
हर साल में एक ही बार आता है ये दीवाली,
बुराई पे दमन करेगी अच्छाई फिर से देवी उमा के बाद मां काली।
है ये त्योहार जगमगाती हुई रोशनी का,
बिन पटाकों के क्या ही मज़ा है भला इस दीवाली का ?
फोड़ते वक्त पटाके सावधानी बनाए रखने का विचार जरूर याद रखना ।
इस दीवाली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं सभी को,
याद रखना तुम्हारे पटाकों से चोट ना पहुंचे किसी और मासूम को
और हां आपने मज़े के लिए पटाके फेंक कर कष्ट मत देना उन निर्जीव मासूम प्राणी को ।
रंगीली, दिया, रोशनी ओर पटाको से भरपूर होता है दीवाली के ये दो दिन,
आसमान मे हूई पटाको की बारिश मे सयद ही उन छूपे हुए तारो को पाएगा कोई गिन् ;
दुया है मेरी उपरवले से खुशी ओर रोशनीउ से भर जाए सबके जिंदगी के पुरे साल के हर एक दिन ।
रोशनी ओर रंगीन पटाको से जगमगाती हुई पुरे प्रीथबी के अधा हिस्स लगता हे जुगनू जैसा,
मेरी आसली दिवाली होगी उसदिन जिसदिन मना पाउंगी मै तुम्हारे साथ, क्युंकी उसदिन एक अलग ही नज़ारा होगा तुम्हारे साथ दीवाली मनाने का ।।
The Mind Is A Silent Spectator – The Power Lies Within You by Mayaa SH

The mind is a silent spectator or rather a mentalist . Truth is the seeker. Reality is the remedy. The human body is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent. Knowledge is food. Dreams are born out either destruction of knowledge or rely heavily on the Freudian psychoanalysis that dreams allow people to express unconscious wishes they find unacceptable in real life.
One who acquires power by repeating it again and again; whose repetition becomes power. Whatever thought you repeat over and over again, will gradually become practice. The thought that you repeat over and over again will begin to manifest in life.It is the power that lies within you that can help any human being to ascend to the highest level of self actualisation .Our thoughts are nothing but an extension of an abstract emotion that we tend to ,at times, extend beyond the metaphysical concepts of Being, Existence, Purpose, Universals, Property, Relation, Causality, Space, Time, Event, and many others. It is also an extension of cognitive psychology which is the field of psychology that investigates how people think and the processes involved in cognition. Cognition is a term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. Some of the many different cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving. In order to cope and be better equipped with handling any situation in life we need to eliminate cognitive biases whuch are systematic errors in thinking related to how people process and interpret information about the world. Confirmation bias is one common example that involves only paying attention to information that aligns with your existing beliefs while ignoring evidence that doesn’t support your views. Being more receptive to ideas and open to understanding the underlying principles of Attention , Language , Learning , Memory , Perception and Thoughts will allow all to better engage in a balanced and much informed decion making , problem solving and higher reasoning in life .
There are two types of mind in our brain, first subconscious brain which is called sub conscious mind, second is conscious mind, we can say conscious mind. Our mind cannot remain without thinking even for a moment, that mind constantly keeps doing some or the other things to itself. One must always send good feelings, good thoughts, good words through the mind to our subconscious mind so that it is true and happiness fills happiness in our life. Whatever your life is, it is the result of your mind. And you go on repeating. You want to be out of anger, but you go on repeating the anger every day. The more you repeat, the stronger you become. How many times do you swear that I will not do it now and the vows are broken and you repent of anger. The disturbance increases even more. Now you know that anger is bigger than swearing, more powerful. Pledges have no value. No matter how much one can vouch for swearing on things , it is how we train our mind to become receptive to garner positivity in our life , that matters the most
To take advantage of the powers of the subconscious mind in practical life, you have to take refuge in anything that tames the mind towards harnessing our energies to mainatin a state of equilibrium of the mind, body and the soul , because through that it is possible to instill in you that patience and faith, which is essential to get the rewards of the subconscious mind. We all go through moments of feeling lost, guilty, disappointed and sad. The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool that absorbs everything that happens around and on us. We are the storehouse of impressions on our minds: there is an internal dialogue going on inside us.But what happens when the inner dialogue revolves only around negativity and despair? We think it is going away when in fact negativity is accumulating inside. Where ? Everywhere but especially in the subconscious mind. We become what we believe: When thoughts become negative, then life also becomes negative. We make what we think. Always try to think positive and good. Sometimes this is not possible. Then, just relax. If negative thoughts come, let them just flow like a brook that finds its way through a tapestry of deep wilderness of time .Cover yourself and emit positivity through meditation, believe in a benevolent and higher power or believe in yourself.
Digital Golgappa is a leading Indian digital marketing agency in the country aims to help its clients achieve their goals .At Digital Golgappa an ideology to start the day in a positive way is encouraged. Every morning all are encouraged to feel privileged to be a part of such a great organisation by instilling confidence that “ it doesn’t matter how your day went, what challenges you faced or what setbacks you had. Just thank yourself and be happy. You have a lot going on in the present moment, so much for you in the here and now.Just focus on the Good and extend the gifts of Gratitude and Kindness to all. Abhishek Kapoor also lays a lot of emphasis on mental health and believes firmly that “A tired mind is susceptible to irritation, anger and negativity. This means a tired body is depleting its reserves. So all must get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep to prepare themselves for positive situations in life.” Think big Dream bigger than life. And, know that focusing on a well-intentioned goal is the best thing ever. It will give you a sense of purpose and strength to overcome challenges and take your mind off the little things. Have confidence.
Hence , always believe that you are perfect just as you are. Practice makes you even more perfect. The only thing constant is Change -Unleash the potential within yourself.Train the subconscious.
Pallavi Jeethan

Golgappa is a very popular Indian Street food.It is known by various other name such as puchka,panipuri ,waterballs .In West Bengal, pani puri is called phuchka, probably due to the ‘phuch’ sound it makes when you take a bite.
In the epic Mahabharata, a newly-wedded Draupadi returns home to be given a task by her mother-in-law Kunti. The Pandavas were on exile and Kunti wanted to test if her new daughter-in-law would be able to manage with the scarce resources. So she gave Draupadi some leftover potato sabzi and just enough wheat dough to make one puri, instructing her to make food that would satisfy the hunger of all five of her sons. It is believed that this was when the new bride invented pani puri. Impressed with her daughter-in-law’s ingenuity, Kunti blessed the dish with immortality.
Over the years, the combinations underwent many changes as each region developed its own version according to its preferences. As a result, golgappa today has almost a dozen different names that changes from region to region. In most parts of central and southern India, it is called pani puri but the recipes have subtle variations. While in Maharashtra, hot ragda (white peas curry) is added to the potato mash, in Gujarat, it is boiled moong and in Karnataka, it is chopped onions.
Golgappa by Meera Kathija

Well, this is my Golgappa Challenge, You mean what is that! Is this a Rab Nae Banathi Jodi movie’s Golgappa Challenge with SRK and Anushka, but my dear Friends! Certainly it is not about that; you cannot believe that this Golgappa Digital Award Team generally a great platform were they encourage all the authors as well as the budding writers into a limelight.
The Cherrybook Awards and The Eagle’s Eye Network connects all the colorful writers in a place of paradise which is called as “The Golgappa”. In our life we enjoy varieties of Golgappas to feel the endless taste of divine, additionally we enjoy variety of authors with their different style of collective work of epic writings. I have won and participated several rounds of contest, trust me guys The Golgappa team have their unique and separate fan base on the writer’s career journey. I can proudly represent to recommend this team to all those upcoming confident budding writers.
‘In our life doing multiple things doesn’t matter at all,
When little thing comes under the perfect comfort zone.’
All could have their promised words of delivering that they are the best digital creators on earth, eventually The Golgappa never expose too much they readily show up throughout their continuous effort of hard work and make the new writers to bloom up in their entire future process on their writing platform.
The Golgappa is a platform where they care much about the Writers thought process in a serious level of existence, they treat all writers equally, like they encourage the content depth and its creative level of background without caring the original background on author’s side. Yes, you got it right! They never have the judgmental thought on the budding writers, all they need is to grow the Indian Literature as ‘The Great Modern Literature.’ Like a blindfold you can have the epic trust of the taste desire of this Golgappa’s Team. Not only the Indian writers but it has their special place for the foreign writers as well. Now see it is simple as much as we use to buy the comic books on the railway stations.
Even the New Author will experience a comfort place on this Golgappa Digital Platform. No more confusion, it is a fusion of developing and encouraging number of New Writers to form a best beacon light path for the upcoming struggling start up writers. Like a cluster of stars we unite together to taste this Golgappa to finish our hunger on our writing career as a great starter, I choose Golgappa as my best partner for my future writing career.
Abhay Shukla

“The laughing golgappa is one of the best food to remove the pain of tasteless tounge”.It is indias best food and it has different names in india panipuri, phuchka,gupchup or pani kepatashe.In english it is called water balls.
It was first originated around Uttar Pradesh and bihar about 100-125 years ago.
My life is totally asocatied with golgappa because it is my family source of income.
Fine semolina, flour, and salt are the main ingredients to make this crispy puri for paani puri
Golgappa always reminds you the hidden happiness of the food.
Most of people says it is unhealthy food but according to research”, it has iron, which most women around the globe are found deficient. This element assists you in keeping your blood oxygenated, that’s why it is very necessary for your body. Also, with golgappa you get magnesium, manganese, potassium, folate, zinc and vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C and D. This also helps your to work very fast.
Most of people don’t know that it helps your whole digestive system to remove all toxic.Like mint cumin and asafetida present in the water will strengthens the digestive power.
For Indians it is not just food it is emotions for us .It connects us with our people. The way we put those Puri in one container we can live together in this world. Those different types of water for Puri would give you the feeling of challenges in your life.
Pea and potato acts as those people who come to our life and change our life ,in the same way potato and pea reduce the impact of water on our tongue.
In conclusion our life is like golgappa sometimes problems come, but if we all would be together.
There will not be any impact of it.
Golgappa is emotions for humanity.
Omkar Dhakhinkar

ज़िंदगी का स्वाद
कभी तीखी, कभी मीठी सी,
कभी खट्टी, कभी नमकीन सी,
कभी रुलाती हुई, कभी हसाती हुई,
छोटी सी जिंदगी
एक गोलगप्पे सी….

तब तुम्हारे साथ हुई थी गोलगप्पे पे मुलाक़ात
आया अपने दोस्तों के साथ में नुक्कड़ की दुकान पे दोस्तों के साथ!
दावत दे नहीं सकता था अपने मित्रो को बुरे थे उन दिनों अपने हालात!
देखा तुम्हारा प्यार मैंने चाट -पापड़ी के लिए जो!
तब हुई तुम्हारे साथ गोलगप्पे पे मुलाक़ात!
बहुत पसंद थे तुम्हे लग रहा था देखकर मुझे भी!
कर रही थी तुम कैसे उनके बारे में तहकीकात!
पूछ रही थी खड़े -खड़े कैसे उनकी विविधता के बारे में!
तब तुम्हारे साथ हुई थी गोलगप्पे पे मुलाक़ात!
पानी भार गया मुँह पे तुम्हारे एक बार देख उसको!
प्यार भारी आँखों से देख रही थी उनको ऐसे जैसे तुमसे हो उनका पुराना ताल्लुकात!
पाक उल्फत देखी मैंने तुम्हारी उनके प्रति!
तब तुम्हारे साथ हुई थी गोलगप्पे पे मुलाक़ात!
पानो को उत्सुकता तुममें इतनी सबसे पहले मिले तुमको लड़ना जो देखा तुम्हारा भैया से!
तुमने ना जाने इसके लिए किये हो जन्मों से ज़कात!
भोचक्का हो गया मैं भी इतना प्यार देखकर जैसे आज के बाद मिलेंगे नहीं ये!
तब तुम्हारे साथ हुई थी गोलगप्पे पे मुलाक़ात!
Lavanya J

Zindagi mein Golgappe miljaye
toh baat banjaye.
Zindagi mein Golgappa miljaye Aur kuch nahi chaheye.
Love Golgappe.
Magical Golgappa by Nikhlesh Mathur

The sun had just set in when Golu whizzed across the market shops on his skates.
Where the hell did he go?” He was frantically searching for Mama Chaatwala.
His Golgappa food cart was not at its usual spot.
“Aye you….. idiot.”
Golu had bumped into a sweet girl sitting on a bench reading the novel ‘The Storm in the Silence ‘by author Nikhlesh Mathur.
“Thanks for the compliment, but have you seen Mama Chaatwala?”
“Am too waiting for him. I am Sweety.” “Oh Is it! Me too. I am Golu.”
Suddenly they saw a police van. Mama Chaatwala was inside it.
They rushed towards him. “What happened to you Mama Chaatwala?”
“They said I am not maintaining proper hygiene, so they arrested me.” “But that’s wrong.” Sweety was visibly disturbed. She knew Mama Chaatwala sold Golgappa using all hygienic precautions.
“You both push off from here.” The policeman on duty retorted angrily when he saw them chatting with Mama Chaatwala. “Inspector sahib will be returning shortly.”
“Golu can we both do something for Mama Chaatwala.” She requested Golu. “My pleasure, but….”
What but?”
“Promise me you will meet me every evening here.”
“Okay done, but….Sweety smiled.
“What but?”
“That you will treat me 10 Golgappa’s.”
Golu winked in agreement and murmured something in Sweety’s ears.
“Sir.” Sweety proceeded towards the policeman guarding the van, “Sir. Do you know one
important thing about Mama Chaatwala?”
“What?” The policeman questioned back.
“Chalo jaane do.” Sweety turned away but kept an eye on the policeman.
“No, tell me,” “Arre, rehene dijiye, that’s a secret, only few people know that.” Sweety expressed innocently.
By then the policeman had become extremely curious.
“No, you have to tell me, it’s an order.” He looked adamant Sweety looked towards Golu who indicated her to go ahead with the plan.
“Sir, have you also kept the Golguppa basket in your van?” She asked the policeman in a hushed
tone. The policeman became more curious. “Why is taking to me in such a hushed tone, is there
something important inside the basket full of Golgappa’s. “Yes we are taking that Golgappa basket too as evidence.” He replied arrogantly.
“There is secret inside that basket sir.” “What”. Is he hiding something illegal inside it?” The policeman struck his baton the van door.
“That will be a stronger evidence for us”.
“No sir, actually….” Sweety let her sentence incomplete deliberately.
“Look you girl, what is your name, I will arrest you also if you will not disclose the secret.” “Sir one Golgappa in the basket is a magical Golgappa” She made a funny expression on her face while spilling the beans.
“What magic. How can it be? There are more than 100 Golgappa’s in the basket”? “Who so ever get to eat that magic Golgappa, he gets promoted within a month.” “Ahh bulshit, I don’t believe”. The policeman dismissed her immediately. ‘Now push off from
here fast.”
“Okay, if you don’t believe, but sir you are losing a chance to get promotion.”
At this point, Golu who stood at some distance approached the policeman along with some more people.
“Uncle, if you don’t mind can I take the basket of Golgappa from the van. I will pay you for
that.” “Who are you and why do you want i.?
Sir je,” a young man came forward, “Don’t give the basket to this boy, I need a promotion. I will pay you more.”
“No sir, give it me,” a lady pushed the young man and pleaded. “Last month my husband got promoted after he got that magic Golgappa.
Few more people came forward with the same request. The policeman now began to think seriously.
“Why shouldn’t I take the complete basket of Golgappa’s and eat then in few days. If I eat them
all then I will naturally get to eat the lucky magical Golgappa.”
The crowd began to pester him hard.
In between Golu slipped out and communicated with Mama Chaatwala through the window of
the police van.
“Sir please take your decision fast,” Sweety instigated him, “otherwise your inspector boss will come and he will consume all by himself and get the promotion.”
“Get lost everyone.” The policeman took Sweety’s word seriously. He climbed inside the van and closed it from inside.
“Aye you,” he sternly asked Mama Chaatwala, “What is this story of magic Golguppa?”
“Saheb,” Mama Chaatwala spoke in a pleading tone, “it is true, but I don’t know how that one magic Golgappa is made because my old Grandmother makes one magic Golgappa every day and hides it in the basket before I come out to sell the eatables.”
“Accha, very interesting.” The policeman exclaimed. “I am taking this basket full of Golguppa’s
to my home.” “But Sahib ji Inspector sahib will some return and ask you about the basket. He knows about this
magic Golgappa. What will you tell him? “I will tell him that got a phone call from the SP sahib who wanted Mama Chaatwala to arrange
his food cart at his home in a family function.
“Arre wah, you are very intelligent sahib.” Mama Chaatwala exclaimed amusingly.
“I am letting you off today, but leave the basket here only. “Sir the magic might not work until the magical Golgappa gets paid for it.” “Hoon, no problem,” the policeman took handed him a five hundred rupee note, opened the door of the van and asked Mama Chaatwala to push of
Golu and Sweety were waiting for him eagerly at some distance.
“You saved me,” Mama Chaatwala was extremely thankful.
“No, it is the other way round; we can never afford to miss your Golgappa’s even for a day.”
Both Golu and Sweety chanted together. There was indeed some magic in the Golgappa which developed a new friendship.
Akanksha Kumari

जिंदगी आसान ही हो तो क्या जीने का मज़ा आएगा?
सोचो तो गर झाल ना हो पानी में
तो क्या गोलगप्पा हमारे जीभ को रास आएगा?
यकीनन कई मुश्किलें आती है
जब जीवन राहों पर चलते हैं हम
जैसे किसी मोड़ पर अपने अतीत के
एक खत्म हुए हिस्से से टकराना
जैसे कहीं कुछ तलाशते हुए
बीच राह में ठोकर खाकर गिर जाना
जैसे चलते चलते एक मोड़ पर आगे
सब कुछ धुंधला सा दिखे
जैसे विशाल पर्वत हो खड़ा सामने
और पहला कदम रखने का सहारा ना दिखे
जैसे दूर-दूर तक अपनी
मंजिल का ठिकाना ना हो
जैसे समुद्र तो हो ठीक आगे
पर उस पार कोई किनारा ना दिखे
यह सब झेलने को मिलेगा हमें जब
हम सफर पर जिन्दगी की निकलेंगे
इनसे आँखें मिलाएंगे जब
तभी तो हम बेहतर ढंग से निखरेंगे
हां माना की गोलगप्पा में
डलवा सकते हैं मीठा पानी भी
पर मिठास मिठाई में ही तो
बेहतर स्वाद देती है ना
गोलगप्पा तो खट्टा और तीखा ही भाता है
जिंदा होने का सही मतलब
इसको जीकर ही तो आता है
देखो… तरकीब बहुत आसान सी है
बस हम लगाना सीख लें
गिरकर उठना है उठकर चलना है
इस कश्मकश में याद रखना
बस हमें खुद को नहीं खोना हैं
और गांठ बांध लेना है एक बात
जैसे पानी बिन अधूरा है गोलगप्पा
ठीक वैसे ही अधूरी है जिंदगी
इसमें आती चुनौतियों के बिन
- आकांक्षा
A Glimpse Of My Journey – Dr. Ritu Gupta

It’s been a long and tireless journey for a common girl, now a woman like me.
It is a journey from, “NOWHERE TO SOMEWHERE!”
Born in a middle class joint family, nothing came easy to me. It’s been a struggle to live well with the meagre best, my father could provide, for his wife and two children, where nothing was personal. Though the values of sharing, caring, patience and others before self, got instilled in me, but, the fact of having an identity crisis, still remained a major concern. Having limited resources, both financially and socially, it was difficult for me to pursue my dreams. Thus, compromise on my dreams was the only solution.
My Dream was to become a Scientist, yet had to settle for Commerce instead of Science, due to financial constraints.
But as the saying goes..
“Do Your Best And God Will Do The Rest!”
The dream of becoming a scientist did get fulfilled, but, in another way. I took up teaching, following my love for children and the passion to mould them into good human beings. Had a vision to change the outlook of the Society in terms of myths, superstitions and wrong practices, which I had gone through and still persisted.
We all are aware that, imparting education is a work of creativity, vision, mission and dedication, just as the job of a scientist. To innovate or remake something new, that would be beneficial to the World. I was doing exactly the same. Grooming and moulding innocent, pure souls (that of young children) into capable and good human beings, who would be ready to contribute towards the World’s Betterment.
A failed marriage, a single parenthood and as a woman living in this male dominated society, it was a Herculean task for me to survive and fit in, keeping my integrity and head held high.
But pure intention, never give up attitude, focus on my commitments and responsibilities, being true to the cause and above all God’s Blessings are what guided me to sail through the adversities till now, with my family believing in me and standing firm besides me always.
The onset of 2022 marked a turning point for me. With the publishing of my three Solo Books named, “A Place In The Sun”, “Hushed Anguish” and “The Primrose Aisle” back to back and as a co-author in more than Two Hundred and fifty Anthologies, bagging the Winner tag in the Cherry Book Award, the Best Co-author tag in numerous anthologies. Getting featured and published in top Magazine such as Namaste India, The Eagle Eye Network, Golgappa, Elahi Byapar and Dugga Elo, a new dimension, an avatar of a Writer, an Author, unfolded for me.
I decided to serve my country, gifting my experiences, my words, my thoughts and the realizations as a Teacher, a Social Activist, a Counselor and a Human Being, or in other words- a part of me, to the Society, guiding and motivating it towards positivity, through my penning ability.
I was honoured with a Docterate Degree (one of my biggest dream fulfilled of the title Dr. being prefixed before my name), for my excellent and commendable contribution towards the Society in the field of Education, Commerce and Public Services.
Universe conspired and I got associated with Prithvi अभ्युदय Association-India- PAAI . From bagging the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AWARD from The British Council India , the PAAI KIRANMAYEE AWARD, the PSM RASHTRIYA SHIKSHA RATNA AWARD, the ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD, THE UNSUNG HEROES AWARD 2022, BEST GLOBAL EDUCATOR AWARD, SHIKSHA PADMA SAMMAAN from All India Principal’s Association, International Internship University – IIU, EDU-EXCELLENCE AWARD and GLOBAL PEACE AWARD from Edvishan, MAHARISHI DAYANAND SARASWATI AWARD to setting up of four WORLD RECORDS, in the field of Photography, Divinity and As An Author, all came, as A Blessing to me. Having the honour to work with Bhabad International Publication, Ek Shayar Ki Baate and Inkzoid Foundation was no less than Blessed Feathers On My Hat. Getting the Honour of a Brand Ambassador-INDIA, A Panelist, A Resource Person, A Life Coach, A Speaker (in two of the much prestigious Groups, Prithvi अभ्युदय Association-India- PAAI, ABCD International Watchtower, Bhabad International Publication), An Author, An Eduleader, A Counselor and A Social Activist… there was NO LOOKING BACK for me ever since!
Setting Four World Records, getting featured in the Webstory as Dr. Ritu Gupta-The Blooming Talent Of Kolkata, author ritu gupta and as a part of the Celebration Of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” by Inkzoid Foundation as a mark of respect for my achievements is truly a milestone, for a puny commoner like me.
My heart felt gratitude to Mahadev, My Family, The Universe, My Teachers, Mentors and the people associated with me in my journey of life, my extended Family PRITHVI अभ्युदय ASSOCIATION-INDIA (PAAI) , Bhabad International Publication , @ek_shayar_ke_bate Publication, Inkzoid Foundation, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to serve my Country, to etch an identity of my own, becoming the person I am today.
Yet, my work isn’t complete as of now. There’s still a long way to go to see my Country at the Top and bring in the positive changes in the Society, being the New Normal around.
“Miles To Go Before I Sleep,
Miles To Go Before I Sleep”.
God Bless All!