Mr. Siddhant Pujari is an entrepreneur and founder of Pages for Ages publication. He is a multiple award winner and has tasted success at a young age.
What’s the best predictor of success? Is it a person’s IQ? Is it talent? Is it intelligence?
According to Entrepreneur and Founder of Pages for Ages publication,A multiple awardee,Mr.Siddhant Pujari believes that the most significant predictor of success is passion and perseverance and it’s the most important quality one can adopt to achieve great success in life.
Success is less often a straight line and more of a meandering journey with twists, turns, ups and downs. Some have navigated this journey and have become successful. As we take this journey, wouldn’t we like to model our efforts from those that have succeeded? What sets those individuals who have succeeded apart, or what has aided them in their success? Are there some characteristics or traits that are consistent with those that have reached their goals, and if so, where or what can we do to gain those characteristics?

Rome was not built in a day. Research has backed much of the claims that it is the day in and day out efforts that pay off in the long run. The little day-to-day challenges and obstacles we encounter need to be overcome. Driven from the inner motivation that fuels the person or group, it is the perseverance and determination that keep them focused on the goal.
Success is like a marathon,its not a sprint,its about finishing the race.If you know you are in it for the long run and keep your sights on that finish line, success may be achieved. It takes passion, dedication and perseverance.