There Is No Such Thing Like Justice Denied In The Dictionary Of Life | Mayaa SH


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Cold static two fingers to sign,a sombre look ,a fifteen rupees black pen to table the most expensive fate of anybody as an approval and mindset which typifies that there is no mercy for criminals in spite of being called bias towards women ,makes an iota of no difference When Mayaa SH dropped her so called societal upper class surname in an advent to get a breakthrough for Justice to hold the rights of a minor girl.Refuting the concept that sophisticated highly educated women are not meant to look good in a women cell,speak fluently (mind it) or thronging dusty lobbies of those meant to appear classy rooms to determine judgements on a bunch of souls each day ,Mayaa took a U turn to endeavour to get a paradigm shift that no creed ,religion cannot define the justification of law of the country and not belonging to an upper caste cannot be a sin in this already blood thirsty draculean world , in order to lodge any table any complaint or champion any cause for anybody as their human rights .This came to her after six long hours of tug of war_ of quote unquote “I scare the hell out of hell on Earth and snatch the stars from the sky in matter of any girl on my table and caution terror on not to cross my path “.

This is a trade off for getting results driven just like an alternate segment of life set at a background of unknown angles of any polygon of chaos in life that is encircled by a full circle of life called “Karma”…

The phrase “Justice delayed is Justice denied” is in agreement to often used interchangeably as a connotation to reflect upon the vagaries of time in which the consequences of delays in the justice system, especially in rape cases is a subject to speculation .This leads to evidences being caught at a deplorable state of mind .Witnesses and victims might lose faith in the highest accord of institutions of faith and trust and most particularly those ‘representing’ justice such as the legal professions, the courts and, of course, policing bodies which are perceived, accepted and regarded.The elapses that time can induce delays and compromises about uncertainty in the settlement of matters that are pending for years.

Rights of the accused are hampered and the victims might take years to get over the trauma faced multiple times by them.It can be difficult for the police to track down witnesses over time.At times we are caught in just considering fairness, we should also reflect upon the correct notions of means of correct redressal forums for seeking justice . Yet, while we might agree that justice is important, defining exactly what justice is can sometimes be much harder as it also processed at half baked information.The term ‘justice’ is a normative concept, one whose meaning is relating to or based on norms or standards and is finally closed and agreed upon. The understanding lies that we might recognise that each society will have its own definition of justice, and those definitions cannot (and perhaps should not) be always debated.Unequivocally , each of those same groups will have their own ideas about justice and practices for implementing them.

To ensure justice is not delayed the pendency of cases an shortage of judges to handle the caseload more efficiently needs to be addressed.Manual ticketing and paperwork must be done to simplify legal processes to implement strict timelines for each stage of a case, including deadlines for filing documents and appearances. Mediation and arbitration resolve unresolved conflicts by encouraging all to resolve disputes outside of court through mediation or arbitration, particularly for civil cases if not criminal cases.Implementing systems to review and address complaints regarding excessive delays in court proceedings. The way to look at establishing efficiency with fairness:While expediting justice is crucial, it must not compromise the quality of legal proceedings or the right to a fair trial.

Delays in justice administration can undermine public trust in the reliefs granted by law ,however ,correct filings and drafting always ensure that the attorneys meander their way to proper recourse and not give up midway .Filing in any matter hurriedly is also not a good option for not getting proper relief .

It takes a very long time in maximum cases to be settled amicably ,however ,some people walk out of a funeral pyre ,fill Titanium in the haemoglobin of their life and take a walk to get justice for others in life to metamorphose from a caterpillar to a butterfly …

About The Author

Mayaa SH is a name that resonates with the doctrine of powerful feminism and advocacy of championing the rights of women across the country. A globally acclaimed literary genius she has broken the stereotypical notion of the mindset that limits women to be achievers at par excellence.Mayaa SH is an Indian authoress, writer, thinker, essayist, and a women empowerment culturist who has had a deep influence on the ideological theories and practices of the women’s ideology of self belief and motivation in life . Her contemporary prose work has highlighted onto break so many stereotypes about women and their powerb of self belief.

Mayaa SH’s literary contributions have touched upon many issues and daily challenges of women. She has maintained that feminism is not a war between men and women or any gender . She has emphasised it is a fight between two ideologies. One that elevates men and gives them power, and the other, that advocates for equality.

Disclaimer : The content of is for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal decision making without advisory_.

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