Home Spicy Scoops Anupama Ravindran Menon shares her insights on the power of love

Anupama Ravindran Menon shares her insights on the power of love

In this exclusive interview, Spicy Scoops with Pooja S, for The Update India, she shares her insights on the power of love and the lessons she's learned through her writing journey. Despite the challenges she's faced, she remains motivated and productive, channeling her inner voice to stay true to her writing. 

Anupama Ravindra Menon

Meet a remarkable woman, Anupama Ravindran Menon,  who has a unique perspective on life and writing. She describes herself as a simple girl next door who finds joy in life’s small moments, from the morning dew blanketing the earth to the fragrant scent of rain. As a doctor by profession, she has a passion for capturing the beauty of the world through her writing. Her genre primarily revolves around love, emotions, and memories, reminding us that these are what make us truly human.

In this exclusive interview, Spicy Scoops with Pooja S, for The Update India, she shares her insights on the power of love and the lessons she’s learned through her writing journey. Despite the challenges she’s faced, she remains motivated and productive, channeling her inner voice to stay true to her writing. 

Read more as we delve into the world of the talented writer Anupama Ravindran Menon and discover what makes her writing so unique.

Also read: Anupama Ravindran Menon ‘s Dear Manusha dedicated to love and lost love 

Tell us something about yourself. What are your likes and dislikes?

Where do I begin… Being the simple, regular, girl next door, my likes are very much encompassed by little miracles of life… I’m an ardent believer of live, love & laugh , I try to find happiness in the tiny, daily forgotten bundles of joy… I love a morning dew blanketing the sleeping surroundings, a pluviophile who loves raindrops that hit off the barren earth emanating the fragrence of fresh minerals & soil, a combination of helio & opacarophile loving every outburst of sunrays specifically at dusk , which carries me out to being an astrophile looking out at the dazzling stars that scatter the inevitable black, dark sky.

I love diving into books & splashing colors over a blank canvas… rolling out snaps of nature, trying to capture the perfect moment of a heartbeat in a single click of camera lens. Above all, I love my dad, I love my family , I love love & loved ones, I love being able to practice medicine & every adventure that life throws out everyday…Wearing my heart on my sleeve & brain somewhere between my cranium & mouth, is another… 

I’m rebellious against social norms, preordained dogmas that dictate life on how it should be, I despise pretense & selfishness & I dislike hierarchy based context of any daily living practice…

Are you a spontaneous writer or a disciplined one? Do you write daily?

I jump into spontaneity, most of my writing is based on impetuosity & ideas that crackle at the moment trying to verbalize the emotions that stir at the moment… I wished I was a disciplined writer, but unfortunately I’m not… I try my best to scribble a bit daily… However, considering my profession as a doctor.. at times, it makes it a bit difficult to stick to that.. I’m working around it for sure

What themes or subjects do you find most interesting to explore in your writing, and why?

My genre highlights love, emotions & memories… 

Being apart of the prided millennial generation, I find that our lives have become a little too mundane curbed by daily routines & robotic lifestyle. Our world currently spins on the axis of modernism & materialism…I’d say that a hefty price we are all paying unknowingly in time & space, having it brushed off & covered under the veil of trying to fit into social norms of success & acceptance. How many times do we ask each other if we are alright genuinely? Have you asked the person next to you if they are happy wholeheartedly? When do you do a rain check on yourself if you are at peace when you look up at the mirror? 

I think I’ll answer for the general population and say it’s a big NO. 

My writing is simply a way to remind me & many others out there, that human emotions & love is what makes us truly stand out from all other creations of our Creator. It revolves around forgotten memoirs of your very own memory lane..Love is the true laurel that we should all be seeking out amongst one another. A tonne of love, a drizzle of poetry, a stroke of music & a touch of genuine connection is what keeps us humans humane in this modern dog & cat race of a life. Rather than seeking acknowledgment via priding wealth & achievements, what you actually take with you 6 feet under the ground is the love & memories you leave behind. That is the forgotten legacy that I’d love to imbue & imbibe through my scribbles & writing..

Can you share any insights or lessons that you have learned during your writing career that have helped you to become a better writer?

I learnt that love in its every form is a quintessential exuberance of life… Regardless of the name it carries or the boundaries it defines, it is what it is , being nascent to its originality.. As my writing revolves a lot more around memoirs, I learnt that lost love is a rampant energy of its own & its memories alone magically portrays love to be as enigmatic & poignant as ever.

The power of living by the memories loved ones delivers one with the strength to move any boulders, not needing to say to climb over any mountain & swim across any ocean… Realising & accepting the very power of this impermanent life force, has enabled me to channel all that love & reflections of loved ones through my writing.. Instead of locking them away & being shunned by the daunting duress of missing them, it has given me an opportunity to relive moments & visit memories, only to learn something new everytime I replay it…

Can you describe your writing process and any particular techniques or strategies that you use to stay motivated and productive?

I write in the moment & in the flow, so honestly, I had no real strategies applied… However, sticking to your inner voice unwaivering , helps you take baby steps along the way. The unbelievable resilience & arduous consistency made me awe of the many writers out there…My amateur writing journey in particular was an interesting roller coaster ride that had its fair shares of ups & downs. To start off with, halfway through the writing & publication process, I was away serving under the United Nations flagship in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

As the entourage there was very different from practising medicine in my homeland. Serving in a war torn nation which had electricity solely dependent upon the functionality of humongous generators, the problems were namely network & connections which made completing the project a lot more tedious. However, the constant support from my loved ones , namely my Dad, Mom, Amumma , sisters & many others kept me going . They kept reminding me that I never quit anything I embark on… It was those little things that waded me through the strides. Furthermore , a wonderful production team assembled by NotionPress made it a journey worth its travel.

What are your other interests apart from writing?

I’m in awe of every form of art… I try to experiment on & off here & there… Apart from being blessed to practice medicine, I also love painting … I managed to do my first solo art exhibition a few years back & now I do splash colors here & there on & off.. I love nature’s photography … I do blog a bit on the side … traveling & music are other weak points of mine…

Tell us about your latest book …? What can the readers expect from it and who would the book most appeal to?

Dear Manusha is my debut solo venture… After winning The International Short Stories contest, I was first published as a joint writer along 19 other authors, for the book entitled Plotpourri, an anthology of short stories, by Notion Press in 2017. I started taking writing a bit more seriously after that. As I’ve naggingly mentioned repetitively from the beginning, the genre is indeed love but a little tweaked twist of it.. It is not your usual version of boy meets girl, their turbulence & then their happily ever after.

Dear Manusha is bird’s eye view, through the lens of someone who has lost & carries the essence of love & its memories in every beat & breath they pledge to live. It gives a fresh take on how the energy of lost love fuels up self empowerment & betterment opening up avenues to grattitude & appreciation.  It is a read that teleports you down your very own memory lane , revoking beautiful moments & dust buried memories, both inspiring & healing in many ways.. Something everyone can relate too as losing a loved one is something we all experience as a passing rite in life… Dear Manusha was written including every person from every walk of life.. The read caters from the coolest of a teen right upto the wisest of an old school thinker.. The only mandatory reading criteria being that you know what love means..

What is the scheme of ideas that you had while naming your book?

Hahahaha.. It was again another impetuous decision that came in by the moment.. In Sanskrit & Malayalam , Manusha is defined as human/person… So the title was meant to personify my homage to love & beloved one.. I humbly hope that the title will ignite curiosity & at the same time simply tell you the essence of translating love into words…

Any Other information you would like to share ? 

I’d like to dedicate this book to my beloved dad, Mr Ravindran Menon, mom, Madam Prema, Amumma , Madam Sankari Menon, Apuppa, Mr V Krishnan Kutty Menon, Cheru, Madam Sugunna , Sateesh Mama, my sister & best friend Anitha, sisters Anisha & Ashwani, amongst many loved ones being Vithya Nair, Gautham Raj, Daniel Benjamin, Uncle John , my kutty mom Madam Visa, veliamas Madam Saras & Madam Eswari, Uncle Shun, Uncle Padman, Dheevya, Savitha chechi & many, many more…. It was all your repertoire of never ending love that showed me the many hues & shades of love. I dedicate this homage to love & all you loved ones out there..

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