Home Opinions National Integration Through Writing | by Meera Kathija

National Integration Through Writing | by Meera Kathija

Meera Kathija

In this world there are so many beautiful sights that makes our day a reasonable one. Particularly, we humans are considered to be the superior one, than all the living beings because of our sixth mode of better common-sense to decide things, which is wrong and right in our life. The Only thing that differs us from animals is; we read and write, to that logical extent it makes an additional insight for the humans to tag themselves as an educational emphasize. Most of us cannot deliver everything like rhyming hymns to someone. The most secret chamber of all humans emotions are connected with the greatest insight as writings.

‘A writer feels a great comfort zone when he starts a journey with a paper and an ink.’

    Probably the insight travels like an unbounded stream that forms a geyser inside a writer to express something great through his/her writings. Some people might thing that How could it would be a great connection of emotion through a pen and a paper? 

    But I swear to say a thing to this modern generation that before coming to the digital part of writings, and before the invention of the papers by the Chinese, our ancient people started to record those beautiful insights of describing the things of great importance of their life as a practice of  writings into the form of scripted letters on walls, caves, stones etc., to preserve the recorded past memories for their next generations. Through their writings they  wonderfully shown the  great connectivity  that bridges  the beauty of writings. They not only learnt How to write? But they gave the importance of insight of writings that plays a major role in each and every persons life.

    Thinking something and writing some other thoughts never sync together in the part of insight. It should have some life in it. Our writings should decide our reasonable dignities What we are going to say through are inking.

“Ink is a dead thing, it comes alive only when we put life into our writings.”

Not everyone write a lively essence of scripted thoughts. Writings has a unique bond of expressing something new to others. If you want to become a writer, probably you choose to select the content through which you are writing, the most attractive cover to your book, etc. But Do we really think How the people would follow your style of writings in it, you may select the best colorful and adorable well attractive cover to your front page, will the same thing can color your writings too! Selective things cannot make your book a great thought of existence only your thoughts of delivering the insight into the writings that matters the reader.

A writer gets an awakening alarm of great satisfaction when some of his fan put a written email of good comments into his writings, when the writer read those thoughts of expression of his fans, it gives him a great positive vibes which triggers to shape up his writings as a superior sight to form a great insight through his writings. Our well wisher says to us, ‘Be conscious What you speak?’ not only speech even our writings also decides the same with the speeches we utter to write. We cannot express our writings in an unconscious state of mind, be careful it too plays the same major serious issues When we write or post our writing thoughts in an unconscious level of existence. It is not an easy job of becoming a writer, all can be a writer but very few writers writings are attracted to the readers. If someone writes a negative thoughts on your writings, you just start it as a stepping stone of improvement to develop your writing skills, but try to ignore the comments who intensively makes you down through his invaluable negativity comments. 

“A Writer is never ever considered to be a writer when he takes his pen to write. Only  the readers have the rights to decide him/her as a good writer or not; through his writings only his essence of thoughts are taken which paves the great insight career for the good and valuable writings.”

 Never give up your thoughts so easily. You deserve your thoughts in expressing them into your writings;  be a responsible person to each and every words that you come up with it. Even uttering a good or bad words could decide your futuristic approaches of handling any kind of situations. Be thankful to yourself that you are living in India, you have all rights to write anything at anytime, rather than  the other countries who claims the permission for writing something to their genre. When someone values your thoughts in writings, you just response, don’t show your attitude grade that never suits to your thoughts.

    If you are using an extraordinary words it is fine and also it will be a great reason for the logical concern. Please step down a little bit from your thought; not all the readers are familiar with those extraordinary words, even the usage of simple words of your writings can play the extraordinary  role of great and the greatest levels of insights. Each doors are welcoming the writers to express their relevant thoughts; not just painting or decorating with hard words that never suits the real essence of good writings.

    Writing is a kind of art, a good writings gives an experienced thoughts on both success and failure to lead their reader to travel with you in a great journey of same bliss of positivity in a righteous path. Let it be, it will show you the great path, the only way to make out your mind is to be ready to accept the changes whatever comes to our life.

Every writer was once a great inspire of someone’s thought and that thought made them a great inspirational writer to formulate the insight into the essence of good writings. Never quit yourself until you try your best writings as a great insight in your life. The most adorable qualities that the good writers possess is;

  • Making the content simple.
  • Making that content easily understood for the readers.
  • And finally, making your readers fall in love with your writings with your own unique styles. 

Only your writings should speak more than your emotions as well. All readers want the real essence of feel in the writings it forms the great insight when it is not pretend to give good feel but at the end it should comprise to deserve both the truth and reality in the art of the beautiful ecstasy. According to me writing is a lovely creation that heals our mind as well as our heart. Some writings of insight attract you at once but never sticks forever in your mind; don’t go behind it, prefer those writings that makes the great changes in your thought in a clear cut statement.

I highlight one of my quotes;

“Life has many obstacles in some pages, but pure love of good writings can create their life a complete book of thesis.”

Language is just a flow, it depends upon the person’s individuality, it don’t depend upon the others style of writing bases for your tagging terms of insight, you just speak, hear and write, everything depends with your own style; never kill your particular style that suits a great uniqueness in your writings which becomes a best connectivity of insights into your writings.


About Meera Kathija 

Meera Kathija has completed her Master’s degree in English Literature and Diploma in Crech management under The Child care Development. She has published two books in one year of 2021 under the Title Love with Responsibilities and The Cupid’s Curse with Evincepub publication.

She has also had a part in three different anthology books as a co-author with Shashank Chetty and Konki Kamal Sharon with The Unvoiced Heart.

She is the recipient of an award from Spectrum Fantrixx in the Open-Letter genre for Spill The Ink Contest. From Karon Gaines, along with the Cherry Book awards I won The International Writing Contest in 2022. Recently she won Sri Aurobindo Indian Literary Award 2022.

[ The “Write and Feature Festival” by Digital Golgappa is a unique initiative to encourage writing talent from across the globe by empowering their words through a wide global reach. The above content was shared as an entry to this festival. Special thanks to The Update India, News Pravesh, Funky News, Yalta News, and Tales That Matter for making this initiative successful. ]

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